Save money for examination.. A magical way to remove wax from the ear at home within one minute and without pain.. Say goodbye to the risks of achondroplasia

Many people suffer from ear pain or hearing impairment and the constant feeling of pain in the ear, and this may be due to the accumulation of a large layer of wax in the ear, which helps block the ear and the occurrence of painful infections and hearing impairment, so it is necessary to take care of the ear and constantly cleanse it to get rid of all wax The excess in it, and through our site we offer you a way to get rid of earwax easily without the need to go to the doctor.

Get rid of excess earwax in a healthy and simple way

It is necessary to clean the ear from the outside with lukewarm water daily, and you can easily clean the ear from the inside of the wax accumulated inside it in a healthy and simple way, by using only warm water and salt.

This component cleans the wax accumulated inside the ear completely and gets rid of the dust and dirt in it, in addition to getting rid of the bacteria and viruses in it.

How to clean the ear using warm water and salt to get rid of the accumulated wax

If you want to clean earwax with salt and warm water, follow these steps:

  • A cup of warm water is brought and a tablespoon of salt is placed in the water.
  • Stir the cup well until the salt dissolves.
  • A piece of cotton is brought and wrapped on a toothpick or a wooden stick, then dipped into the mixture, and placed inside the ear.
  • This recipe helps remove the accumulated wax layer permanently.
  • Repeat to make sure your ear is clean.



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