National Health Security Office (NHSO) health care warning 6 winter diseases along with introducing those who are eligible for health insurance (30 baht) or gold patents If you are sick, you can receive services at the regular service unit according to your right (infirmary).
enter the range “winter“It’s getting cold and a cold wind blows. Many people would like it because it feels cool and comfortable. But did you know thatclimateThis may make us sick more easily than usual. Especially among children, the elderly, those with illness or unhealthy health.
Because the virus likes this weather as well. With the low temperature, which is conducive to the survival and spread of the virus as well, so extra caution must be taken. And should prevent illness from diseases that come with winter. Emphasis on strengthening the immune system to make the body strong early by common diseases in the winter that you should be aware of. are as follows
1. Common cold can be reached by air Patients will have fever, cough, sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and throat irritation.
2. Influenza It is an acute respiratory infection. Patients will experience chills, high fever, sore throat, severe muscle and head pain. and may also have nausea and vomiting
3. Pneumonia Caused by bacterial or viral pneumonia Patients will have cough, nasal congestion, sneezing and a lot of phlegm. High fever lasting more than 2 days, chills, chest tightness, choking and may ultimately lead to death. It is often found among the elderly. and young children aged between 5 – 10 years
4. Measles Caused by rubeola virus It usually spreads late winter to summer. Usually found in children from 2 to 12 years old, easily contagious from coughing. direct inheritance The symptoms are similar to the common cold, namely runny nose, dry cough, red eyes and nose, high fever, and if the fever lasts 3-4 days, there will be a red rash on the body and clear blisters in the mouth, cheeks and upper jaw.
5. Diarrhea It is another disease that comes with winter that you should be aware of. Mostly caused by rotavirus infection. The most epidemic is during October-February of every year. Symptoms of the disease are fever. Severe diarrhea and heavy vomiting Some people lost so much water that they were shocked or even died.
6. Chickenpox Outbreaks usually occur between January and March. caused by virus varicella virus name Contacted by direct contact with blisters, contact with utensils, has an incubation period of 10-20 days, and is most common in children aged 5-15 years, occurring in people who have never had the disease before.
For those who are entitled to health insurance or gold patents, if they are sick, they can go to the regular service unit according to their rights (infirmary). If they have an illness outside the area, they can go to any primary care unit. Check the list of hospitals in the National Health Security System atNHSO website. (click here)
If there are 16 minor symptoms of initial illness, you can receive services at any of my quality pharmacies. free of charge Check out my list of quality pharmacies at (click)
Golden Patent Mild illness 16 symptoms
1. Headache (HEADACHE)
2. Dizziness
3. Joint pain (PAIN IN JOINT)
4. Sore muscles (MUSCLE PAIN)
5. Fever (FEVER)
6. Cough (COUGH)
7. Sore throat (SORE THROAT)
8. Abdominal pain (STOMACHACHE)
9. Constipation (CONSTIPATION)
10. Diarrhea (DIARRHEA)
11. Urinating, difficulty urinating, painful urination (DYSURIA)
12. Abnormal vaginal discharge (VAGINAL DISCHARGE)
14. Wounds (WOUND)
15. Various abnormalities that occur with the eyes (EYE DISORDER)
16. Anomalies That happens to the ear (EAR DISORDER)
Service Procedure
1 Check the list of nearby pharmacies participating in the project at
or notice from the sticker “My quality pharmacy” provides
minor illness
2. Go to the pharmacy and bring your ID card with you. The pharmacist will screen the initial symptoms.
Provide medication with medication instructions (or recommend to see a doctor in case
found to have symptoms that require medical attention)
3 The pharmacist followed up on the patient’s condition on the 3rd day of dispensing.