Belgium calls on its nationals to leave Iran as soon as possible

“Any Belgian visitor, including binationals, is exposed to a high risk of arrest, arbitrary detention and unfair trial. This risk also concerns people making a simple tourist stay in Iran. In the event of arrest or detention , respect for fundamental rights and the safety of people are not guaranteed,” they explained.

According to Foreign Affairs, the Belgian embassy has only a “very limited” capacity to provide consular protection to nationals who are arrested and even to guarantee a Belgian consular presence during a trial.

“It is therefore formally advised once morest Belgian nationals, including dual nationals, to travel to Iran, whatever the reason. Belgian nationals who, despite this warning, are currently in Iran, are invited to exercise the greatest vigilance and take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety”, specifies the press release which invites those present to avoid gatherings and to report their presence to the embassy by registering on “travellers online”. .

Since February 24, a Belgian aid worker, Olivier Vandecasteele, has been detained in Iran in inhuman and degrading conditions. He was sentenced 15 days ago to 28 years in prison for reasons that remain obscure without having been able to benefit from a fair trial.

Since its creation in 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran has practiced hostage diplomacy. Several other citizens of Western countries find themselves in a situation similar to that of Mr. Vandecasteele.



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