Webb telescope confirms the existence of four ancient galaxies

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Observations made with the Webb Telescope have confirmed the existence of four ancient galaxies that formed less than 400 million years following the Big Bang. Three of them have become the most distant galaxies from our planet known today, the portal writes. gismeteo.ru.

For this study, the scientists used two instruments aboard the Webb: a camera and a near-infrared spectrograph. The camera was used to monitor Hubble’s ultra-deep field in nine different infrared wavelengths. At the same time, images were saved in which 100 thousand galaxies might be considered, each of which is at a distance of billions of light years.

Then the researchers used a spectrograph to record the radiation of 250 dim galaxies. Thanks to this, it was possible to measure the redshift and determine a number of properties of the gas and stars in these galaxies. The authors of the study believe that star formation in them should have begun approximately 100 million years earlier than the age at which they are observed now. This shifts the estimated time of formation of the earliest stars by 225 million years following the Big Bang.

Recall that in November, the James Webb Space Telescope discovered two new galaxies that have been hidden from view until now.



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