This is the ideal exercise to have a flat abdomen

Losing abdominal fat is the goal of many people, mainly for aesthetic purposes, but experts also warn that accumulating fat in this area can create health risks.

Although burning that abdominal fat is one of the most complicated goals, it is not impossible either. Specialists point out that with a healthy diet, some supplements and a good exercise routine, you can achieve a flat stomach.

Although the issue of abdominal fat is more aesthetic, health specialists insist that this is not a minor issue, since “accumulated fat in the abdominal area is considered a cardiovascular risk factor,” as highlighted on the portal Know how to live.

In addition, a prominent belly can lead to the development of some disorders such as diabetes and gout. According to the Spanish Heart Foundation, the so-called belly can “multiply by 2.5 the possibility of suffering hypertension”.

The task of lowering abdominal fat can be achieved with a good exercise routine that experts recommend, such as sit-ups, jogging, and the popular plank.

However, these exercises are not the only ones, since the portal The reason points out that hypopressives are the appropriate technique to have a flat abdomen.

This exercise It consists of filling the air with chest, releasing it completely and contracting the abdomen. In this way, the abdominal muscles are contracted and stimulated in order to have a flat stomach.

Types of planks that also help to have a flat abdomen

front plate

1. Put a mat or mat on the floor.

2. Put the body upside down.

3. Support the weight of the body on the forearms and toes.

4. The arms should always be flexed and separated at shoulder height.

5. The goal is to keep your back straight and stay in that position for 30 seconds.

6. After the time, rest a few seconds and perform the procedure once more.

7. It is advised to do six repetitions.

side plank

1. Lie on your side on a mat.

2. Support the forearm and one of the legs to rise a little from the ground.

3. The important thing in this iron is that the weight is distributed in the forearm and foot supported.

4. Maintain the position for 30 seconds, rest and change sides.

5. Perform three repetitions on each side.

Front plank with leg lift

1. Carry out the same position as in the front plank.

2. Raise one of the legs.

3. Stay with the leg up for 30 seconds.

4. Rest for a few seconds and carry out the process with the other leg.

5. It is advisable to do three repetitions with each leg.

Side plank with leg raise

1. Place the body in the same position as the side plank.

2. Raise the leg that was on top a little.

3. Maintain the position for 30 seconds.

4. Rest and change sides.

5. It is recommended to do three repetitions on each side.

It should be noted that the plates are considered isometric exercises. These were named by Harvard Medical School in their report Core Exercises: Isometricsas one of the ideals to work the abdomen and, at the same time, other parts of the body.

The reason researchers found isometric exercises to be so effective is because they cause the body to contract and the muscles to tense for no more than 10 seconds.

Likewise, according to the portal Womens Healthroutines with irons make the person remain still for a few seconds, but they trigger a great deal of activity in the muscles, which aids in the purpose of increasing strength and stamina.



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