How many eggs should be eaten a week in a healthy diet

The egg is a good nutritional alternative, easy to consume and at a very affordable price, however, it has not always had a good reputation despite its many properties. An average chicken egg has between 80 and 90 calories and is rich in minerals such as phosphorus and selenium as well as in vitaminas B12, B2, A y D. But it also provides a large amount of fat in the yolk and a lot of protein in the white.

The problem is not so much with the egg, but with how it is consumed and what it is accompanied with. As Dr. Fernando Fernández Bueno assures, “a boiled egg accompanied by fruit is not the same as a fried egg with potatoes and bacon”. «The ideal is to eat them cooked, or in a protein shake. In addition, you can eat eggs with high cholesterol and they are good for alleviating the effects of hangovers due to their high content of vitamins B12.

White or brown? away myths

Over the last few years, the recommendations on its consumption have been changing to adapt to the scientific evidence. Gregorio Varela, Professor of Nutrition at the San Pablo-CEU University, states: “The current consensus indicates that the consumption of three to five eggs per week It is a good nutritional alternative to what are often considered the main components of a menu, at least in the most classical perception” and adds: “There is no doubt that we are talking regarding a food of great nutritional interest for which myths such as the color of the shell and its nutritional importance must be banished. It doesn’t matter if they are brown or whiteOf course, whenever possible and our pockets allow it, we opt for free-range or organic eggs, thus helping animal welfare and sustainability.

In conclusion, the eggs are a very good option without abusing its consumption and taking great care of the food with which it is accompanied.



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