Beware of these signs that warn you of breast cancer.. Video

New coverage presented by Youm7 TV, prepared by Hadeel Al-Banna and presented by Ahmed Al-Adl, on the warning of the Ministry of Health and Population that the discovery of breast cancer in its early stages greatly helps in treatment and its success in a short period of time..

The Ministry of Health and Population indicated that there are some signs that warn of a woman’s infection or that are an indication of the presence of breast cancer in some women, which are 5 important symptoms, as follows:

1The appearance of a lump or thickening in the breast.

2A change in the size, shape or appearance of the breast.

3The appearance of abnormal secretions from the nipple.

4A change in the appearance of the breast, especially the areola“.

5- Spotting, redness, or other alteration of the skin.

As for the causes of breast cancer.

Breast cancer occurs when some breast cells begin to grow abnormally, so these cells divide more quickly than healthy cells and continue to accumulate and form a mass or tumor. The cells may spread (metastasize) through the breast to the lymph nodes or to other parts of your body.

Breast cancer usually begins in the cells in the milk-producing ducts and is called aggressive lactobacilli.

Breast cancer can also begin in glandular tissues called lobules (then called invasive lobular carcinoma), or in other cells or tissues within the breast.

The researchers identified causes that may be related to cancer, related to lifestyle, hormonal and environmental factors that may increase the risk of breast cancer.

But it’s not clear why some people with no risk factors develop cancer, while others with risk factors do not.



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