A specialist in aquaculture reveals the best fish for human health.. and explains the reason • Al Marsad Newspaper

Dr. Maysar Abu Al-Rish, assistant professor of aquaculture at the College of Marine Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, explained the difference between sea fish and aquaculture, and which is better for human health.

Abu Al-Rish said, during an interview with the “Yahla” program, that the fish that are raised in farms globally are better than those that come from the seas.

Reasons for preferring farm fish over marine fish

He continued, and this is for several reasons, the most important of which is that a person wants to obtain a product throughout the year in abundant quantities and different weights, and this we can get from raising fish in farms, but in the seas we cannot obtain it throughout the year.

He added, as for fish in the seas, they enter into a mating phase if the temperature in the seas is raised, such as grouper fish, they mate during the month of March until July, following that the fish do not mate, and no large quantities of fish are produced throughout the year.

He continued, if you are a fisherman, you will notice that the sizes of the fish are gradually decreasing, as they are not given their right and the environment in which they grow, as is the case on farms.

​​​​​​Sea fish are very few

And he added, there is something very important, that the fish of the seas are very few, because the seas are a world and connected to each other, and the fish do not live except on the coasts of continents and countries, but they do not live in the oceans, and the coral reefs are their homes, so in the event of human intervention and overfishing, the fish migrate.

Sea fish of unknown origin

And he went on to say that the fish of the seas do not know their source, and we do not know the amount of harmful substances and heavy metals that are thrown into the sea, unlike the fish in the culture environment. It affects human health.



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