the reflexes to adopt to escape it at Christmas


  • Acute gastroenteritis is a digestive infection with inflammation of the lining of the intestine. It is responsible for nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
  • It sometimes causes a fever and can lead to dehydration. In two-thirds of cases, gastroenteritis is due to infection with a virus such as rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus, etc.

Acute gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the digestive tract. It most often causes abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. If it can find its origin in a bacterial or parasitic infection, it is most often viral, and therefore, very contagious. How to avoid it? We take stock.

4 actions to prevent the risk of gastroenteritis

One of the best ways to avoid the transmission of enteric viruses is to wash your hands frequently, using soap and water or hydroalcoholic gel. Some viruses (rotavirus and norovirus) being very resistant in the environment, Public Health France also advises to “carefully and regularly clean surfaces at high risk of transmission (in pediatric wards, institutions caring for the elderly)”.

Another element that reduces the risks: limiting contact with other people. So to put the odds on your side, avoid going out and meeting people before the holidays.

Finally, you can boost your immune system, especially with a diet rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals, but also by practicing physical activity despite low temperatures!

Acute diarrhea: what to do?

If despite the precautions you have caught gastroenteritis, know that the body manages to get rid of it between 1 to 3 days generally, and this, without treatment.

However, acute diarrhea can occur, leading to complications such as dehydration, especially in children, the elderly, and those with chronic illnesses. To prevent risks, the Vidal medical encyclopedia recommends to absorb “plenty of lightly salted and sweet liquid (half a teaspoon of salt and four of sugar for a liter of water) to compensate for losses”. Sweet tea, broth, fruit juice and colas will be your best allies!

During this acute phase of diarrhea, it is also necessary to spare the intestines by consuming “anti-diarrhea” foods: crackers, soups, rice, compotes, bananas, etc. “You have to eat because the body needs to compensate for the losses.

In some cases, it is still necessary to consult a doctor: elderly people, children, infants, chronically ill or immunocompromised, etc. Finally, “if the person shows signs of dehydration (dry mouth, small amount of urine, fatigue)” or “signs of confusion, drowsiness or refusing to drink”, you must immediately call the attending physician or the emergency services (15 or 112).



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