Meet five natural allies to end migraine

A migraine usually lasts from 4 to 72 hours if left untreated. The frequency with which migraines occur varies from person to person.

Courtesy | Valerian has sedative properties ideal for combating migraines

Migraine is a headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a throbbing sensation that is usually one-sided.

It is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last from hours to days, and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with your daily activities.

Some people experience a warning symptom known as an aura that occurs before or with the headache. An aura can include visual disturbances, such as flashing lights or blind spots, or other disturbances, such as tingling on one side of the face or in an arm or leg, and slurred speech.

Medicines can help prevent some migraines and make them less painful. The right medications in combination with self-help measures and lifestyle changes can help.

Affecting children, adolescents, or adults, migraines can go through four stages: prodrome, aura, attack, and postdrome. Not everyone who has migraines goes through all the stages.

A day or two before a migraine, you may notice subtle changes that warn of an upcoming migraine, including: constipation, mood swings from depressed to euphoric, food cravings, stiff neck, increased amount of urination, fluid retention and frequent yawning.

A migraine usually lasts from 4 to 72 hours if left untreated. The frequency with which migraines occur varies from person to person. These can be infrequent or appear several times a month.

During a migraine, you may experience these symptoms: pain usually on one side of the head, but often on both sides, throbbing or throbbing pain, and sensitivity to light, sound, and sometimes smells and touch.

Although there are many types of headaches, through the natural remedies that we propose you can alleviate them.

Its essential oils help regulate female hormones, stabilizing the production of estrogen and progesterone. That is why it is useful if you suffer from migraines related to the menstrual cycle.

It is taken in decoction of its fruits 2 times a day, or in dry extract, from 250 to 500 mg daily.

It is very effective in migraines with nausea, vomiting. The active principles of its rhizome (gingerols and shogaols) improve these digestive symptoms and are also analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

It is recommended in decoction of ½ cm of its rhizome per glass of water, 1 to 3 times a day following meals.

It has the virtue of reducing the activity of substances that cause the dilation of blood vessels (histamine, serotonin, prostaglandins, etc.) and that can trigger a migraine.

Prepare it as an infusion of a tablespoon of the flower and take it 1 to 3 times a day with a little honey.

Due to its calming, sedative and antispasmodic effects, valerian root is a good alternative to prevent and alleviate tension headaches that are caused by nerves or stress.

180 to 540 mg of dry or liquid extract per day are recommended, divided between 1 and 3 doses.

Its rhizome contains a substance called curcumin, with anti-inflammatory, liver digestive, and purifying properties of molecules related to migraine.

300 to 900 mg per day of turmeric extract (95% curcumin) is recommended.

Avoid it if you have gallbladder stones, during pregnancy or lactation.

The cause of migraine is unknown, although some “triggers” of the crises are known, such as stress, climate changes, hormonal or digestive disorders, etc., which apparently cause changes in the wall of the blood vessels of the head.


These supplements can also be of great help.

Quercetin. This natural substance reduces the activity of histamine (a protein closely related to migraines). The dose is 250 to 750 mg daily before meals.
Magnesium. Reduces stress, which depletes the body’s reserves of this nutrient, and relaxes blood vessels. 400 mg daily are taken.

other aid

Homeopathy also offers you options to relieve it. Take 3 balls of the chosen remedy, 2 to 4 times a day.

Belladonna 9 ch.
For congestive migraines (red face, bright eyes…) with throbbing pain that improves in the dark.

Bryonia 9 ch. In case of headaches that are accentuated with the slightest movement and cause nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Glonoine 9 ch. It works in very intense migraines with palpitations in the head and sensation of uncomfortable waves of heat.

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