In order to pursue the consistency of performance, Valve confirmed that Steam Deck will not launch a minor facelift upgrade version similar to PS4 Pro

It has not been more than a year since Valve’s Steam Deck host was launched, but unexpectedly, with Valve’s continuous efforts in publicity and stable supply, this handheld PC has been sold worldwide. It has found a place in the game console market and began to ship around the world one following another. And just following Steam Deck gradually triggered various discussions, many players began to discuss topics related to the successor models, and Steam Deck designers also came forward to answer many questions related to this topic.

Steam Deck designers Lawrence Yang and Pierre-Loup Griffais recently accepted an in-depth interview with The Verge website, and talked regarding various topics such as the stability, future, and compatibility of the Steam Deck handheld itself. Although Valve officially confirmed not long ago that they have indeed arranged a future-generation development plan for the Steam Deck console, many players are still curious regarding how the new-generation Steam Deck will be presented.

Although Lawrence Yang and Pierre-Loup Griffais confirmed that they hope to improve the battery life and screen size of the console in the future successor of Steam Deck, they also expressed their views on the performance of the console. According to them, those expecting Steam Deck to launch a small facelift upgrade similar to PS4 Pro or Xbox One X may be disappointed.

In order to pursue the consistency of performance, Valve confirmed that Steam Deck will not launch an upgraded version similar to PS4 Pro - Computer King Ada

In order to pursue the consistency of performance, Valve confirmed that Steam Deck will not launch an upgraded version similar to PS4 Pro - Computer King Ada

“Right now, every Steam Deck can play the same lineup of games, and one of the goals we have is to let users know what kind of performance they can get when they play games, and let game developers There’s a lot of value behind having a single spec for consoles that gives the reader an idea of ​​what to choose. I think we’ll choose to stick with a single level of performance for a longer period of time, and only when we find that there’s a significant benefit It is time to start thinking regarding modifying performance to new levels,” says Pierre-Loup Griffais

So far, it seems that Valve’s strategy for Steam Deck is similar to Nintendo’s arrangement for Nintendo Switch. Although many players hope that this best-selling gaming console can launch a performance-enhanced version, Nintendo has never officially released any information related to the rumored “Switch Pro”, even though this host has been launched for nearly 6 years. Time, but the Nintendo Switch generation is likely to continue in 2023.

In order to pursue the consistency of performance, Valve confirmed that Steam Deck will not launch an upgraded version similar to PS4 Pro - Computer King Ada

The so-called “consistency” seems to be a very important thing for Valve, but the two Steam Deck designers emphasized that Steam Deck may never reach the level of other game consoles in terms of repair and stability. Griffais said that players should not have such expectations, even though he still said that Valve will continue to work hard to improve the stability of Steam Deck in the future and bring players a better gaming experience, while continuing to fix various bugs and introduce new ones through updates. function. The designer emphasized that these new features are the key to the continued evolution of Steam Deck. As a result, Steam Deck may not be as stable as other gaming consoles, which don’t usually add new important features on a regular basis.



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