Michel Fadel: My new album includes Kazem El Saher’s music

He told Asharq Al-Awsat that Lebanon comes at the forefront of his artistic interests

Michel Fadel always informs you of new and proactive artistic ideas that put him in the ranks of the first musicians in Lebanon and the Arab world. He does not tire of searching for what leaves his mark in the world of music, so that he does not repeat what many of his colleagues achieve. Therefore, most art stars resort to him, in order to accompany them in their concerts, playing the piano, or in the task of music distribution and composing; Like Carole Samaha, Nancy Ajram and Elissa, Magda El Roumi, Sherine Abdel Wahab and others chose him.

Finally, he composed a remarkable musical duet with “DJ Rudge”, and together they performed more than one concert in Lebanon, the “Riyadh Season”, Dubai and others. As for the new one, Michel Fadel, who is working on releasing it soon, it is a music album entitled “Michael Fadel Plays Kazem El Saher.”

He told Asharq Al-Awsat the details of this project: “I have a close relationship with Kazem El-Saher, which goes back many years. On one occasion, I contacted him, offering him my idea of ​​playing music composed by him. He quickly expressed his approval, and following regarding 20 minutes he called me telling me that he had prepared two melodies of his own composition.

The love that Fadel has for Kazem El Saher translates it into music, as he says in the context of his speech: “I will collect these songs in a (mini-album) that I will release soon, because I am preparing for another, and it is expected that I will also participate in a huge theatrical work that will be held in Egypt, the details of which will be announced very soon.” .

In a continuous state of work with endless ideas, this is the condition of Michel Fadel, the musician who never gets tired. Finally, the “La Seine” restaurant was opened in Beirut, and it is the same place that used to host “Al-Mandaloun”, the best address for partying in past years. About this project, he says: “Several restaurants have already been opened in Egypt, and others with the same number in Cairo. But Lebanon has a special place in my heart, which always prompts me to think regarding it and how to contribute to bringing it back to life.

Fadel invited members of the press, media, friends, artists and colleagues on the occasion of opening his shop on the ancient Beiruti Street, Mar Mikhael. It is remarkable that this project also has its own story, which it tells us: “In fact, what happened to me in this project was out of the ordinary, because its path was easy; It only took me two weeks of intense preparation, night and day, to get it done. At that time, one of my friends (Ghassan Al-Shartouni) asked me why I had not opened a nightclub in Beirut. I will not reveal a secret if I say that I was hesitant, because I have already lost a lot in Lebanon due to its crisis conditions in the recent period. But I soon made my decision to proceed with this project, and completed it in a short period of time.

Even in the “Lassine” restaurant, Fadel followed a distinguished program for his patrons, especially in the evening parties, so he brought in foreign singers and other Lebanese singers to revive the place in a way that varies from night to night; As with Brazilian art, American pop art is present in “La Seine”, with a star presenting lyrical paintings with dance steps similar to those famous for the late Michael Jackson. Evenings are also colored with playing by Fadel himself and Lebanese compasses. In the latter, Gilbert Galkh, Nader Khoury, Maan Zakaria and others participate. He describes his step, despite the economically unstable situation in Lebanon: “I am a spontaneous person, and I also believe in an undefeated Lebanon. I have a great weakness towards Beirut, and therefore I feel a great emptiness without it, even if it exists in the whole world. Also, the place you chose has great symbolism for the Lebanese, foreign and Arab tourists, due to its popularity in the past years. And when my new project in Egypt was delayed for the next five months, I felt like it was a positive sign for me to launch my project in Lebanon.”

Michel Fadel always opens new pages in his life, as he told Asharq Al-Awsat, so he is constantly familiar with the world of music in the world, in order to keep pace with it in its smallest details.

At the same time, Fadil is saddened by what is happening in Lebanon, where his conditions are deteriorating, and there is no one who cares regarding the issue. He comments: “In Lebanon today there are two social classes, the poor and the wealthy, so that the middle class, from which it emanated, has disappeared. But the Lebanese are adventurous by nature, otherwise he would not have been able to rise up every time he falls.

And regarding his duet with musician Rudge, he says: “I am in a constant state of work, and no matter how busy I am with side matters in parallel with my primary profession. But that did not rob me of my passion for music and my main work in it. Roger and I have been old friends for more than 20 years, and I admire his music; He is an intelligent and gourmet person, and he is like me in love of curiosity and search for the new, and that is why we met in our work, and we formed a musical duo, overnight. In my opinion, the best things happen without planning.

Regarding the art scene, he says: “It still oscillates up and down, but it still includes good works. And I generally find them fertile and excellent for a beautiful competition. But by nature, I do not look, not once, at what the other is doing. Rather, I search within myself for what can help me crystallize my energy.”



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