The Well-being and Quality of Life Service of the Center for Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy “is unique”

The graduate in Psychology Yessica Müller, who is in charge of the Well-being and Quality of Life Service of the Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy Center “Pdte. Dr. Néstor C. Kirchner”, in an interview with AGENFOR explained what the work that is carried out with cancer patients treated at said institution consists of.

It should be noted that the aforementioned Center is a milestone for public health in the north of the country that was officially inaugurated on Thursday 15, by Governor Gildo Insfrán accompanied by the President of the Nation, Alberto Fernández.

“The Service is made up of nutritionists and psychologists who work in various fields,” he said, although “we are going to incorporate more professionals, as well as carrying out group activities.”

In this sense, the person in charge of the area evaluated that “a very nice work team was organized”, highlighting that “it is a unique service, focused on the part of mental health, healthy eating and the different aspects of quality of life ”.

Therefore, “what we seek is to reduce the level of suffering of the patient and their families, and also to promote well-being; and also make articulations with specialized professionals, in the cases that are necessary”.

In this context, Müller clarified that “during the patient’s radiotherapy treatment, which is generally very short, between a month and a month and a half, what we do is provide them with as many tools as possible.”

He differentiated that it is not “a psychotherapy process, but rather a well-focused intervention”, knowing that “cancer affects all spheres of human life, but more directly the physical part”.

So that “from the moment the patient enters the Center and is admitted with the medical team, they then go to the Well-being and Quality of Life Service, where we evaluate the different areas of the people.”

At the same time, work is being done to accompany families who “are a fundamental pillar as they are the main caregivers who support the patients, and with the intervening teams.”

And he added that, with regard to personal relationships, it analyzes “how these links are given and of course the family context to see how the family can be a fundamental support and accompany taking care of itself as well.”

To end the interview, Ms. Müller commented that, in returning patients, “they very much appreciate the comprehensive approach that is given to them, since they feel that we treat all areas”, remarking that precisely the idea “is to provide them with the greatest amount of of possible tools.



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