Instagram makes recovering hacked accounts so much easier

Instagram has just rolled out new security features that will make life easier for users whose account has been hacked. The social network has notably set up a new platform allowing you to recover your lost account in just a few steps. It is also now possible to call on friends to verify your identity.

Credits: miquelguasch/123rf

Instagram being one of the most popular social networks of the moment, its users are regularly the target of cyberattacks. Stealing an Instagram account can allow hackers to massively distribute their scams, or to gain access to sensitive personal data. Also, the platform has always tried to limit damage with new security features.

But for those who would not have succeeded in avoiding the worst, the priority is then to recover your account as soon as possible. Well aware of this issue, Instagram has just rolled out new features aimed at making life easier for users who are victims of hacking. Starting with a new platform specially dedicated to this use, on which you can go to this address:

Instagram will come to the aid of users with a hacked account

Once your account has been hacked, you can then go to this new hub. According to Instagram, all you have to do is follow the on-screen instructions to regain access. Even better, the company claims that this method will work for users with multiple accounts. But this platform is not the only solution offered by Instagram, which adds a new lever to recover its account: its friends.

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Indeed, this option will allow us to call on a friend to confirm our identity when suspicious activity has been detected. If the latter takes too long for your taste to confirm the thing, Instagram will leave the possibility of contacting another of your relatives. Finally, the social network has indicated that it is strengthening its moderation of malicious accounts, in particular those having recourse to identity theft which contact their victims directly.

Source : Instagram



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