How To Deal With Meltdowns: Avoid Soothing Young Children With Smartphones, New Study Says

Many parents have turned to their smartphones when looking to quickly calm a young child in crisis. But it prevents children from developing essential self-regulation skills, research shows.

Children who are frequently given electronic devices when upset are more likely to have difficulty regulating their emotions, a new study spectacles.

“Using mobile devices to calm a young child may seem like a temporary and harmless tool to reduce stress in the household, but there may be long-term consequences if it is a calming strategy. usual”, to say researcher Jenny Radesky, a behavioral developmental pediatrician at CS Mott Children’s Hospital in Michigan. “Particularly in early childhood, devices can displace opportunities for the development of independent and alternative methods of self-regulation.”

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Children’s ability to self-regulate is influenced by their natural temperament and personality. But parents can play an important role in teaching children how to express their emotions in healthy ways by modeling emotional regulation and not using external sources, like electronic devices, to soothe children, say the psychologists.

Although temper tantrums are expected at age 2 or 3, frequent emotional outbursts in older children might signal that they are experiencing emotional dysregulation – the inability to manage one’s emotions, especially when one feels sad, stressed, anxious or angry.

Signs of increased emotional dysregulation include rapid changes between sadness and excitement, sudden changes in mood or feelings, and frequent impulsive behavior.

In the study, the link between device calming and emotional dysregulation was strongest in young boys and children who already exhibited hyperactivity, impulsivity, and strong temperament, making them makes them more likely to react intensely when feeling sad, angry or frustrated.

“Caregivers can experience immediate relief from device use if they quickly and effectively reduce negative and challenging behaviors in children,” Radesky said. “It is rewarding for parents and children and can motivate them both to keep this cycle going.

“The habit of using devices to manage difficult behaviors grows stronger over time as children’s media demands also grow stronger. The more often devices are used, the less children – and their parents – practice using other coping strategies.”

Instead, parents can teach their children to find more positive outlets for their emotions, such as cuddling, listening to music, or engaging in physical activity, the researchers said. They can also help children understand how they are feeling by naming their emotions. They can also encourage problem-solving behaviors. For example, children can be taught to scream or hit their pillows instead of hitting their siblings.

“All of these solutions help kids understand themselves better and feel more competent in dealing with their feelings,” Radesky said. “It requires repetition from a caregiver who must also try to stay calm and not overreact to the child’s emotions, but it helps develop emotion regulation skills that last a lifetime. life.

“In contrast, using a distractor like a mobile device doesn’t teach a skill – it just distracts the child from what they’re feeling. Children who don’t develop these skills in early childhood are more likely to struggle when stressed in school or with peers as they get older.

Screen time linked to increased risk of OCD

Another recent study found that too much screaming time is associated with a higher rate of obsessive-compulsive disorder diagnoses in preteens. For every hour children play video games each day, the likelihood of them developing OCD increases by 15%. And for every hour of video watching, it increased by 11%

Texting, video chatting and social media use were not linked to a higher risk of OCD, but the researchers noted that the children in their study did not engage in these activities much.

“Children who spend too much time playing video games report feeling the need to play more and more and not being able to stop despite their efforts,” to say Dr. Jason Nagata, lead author of the study and assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco. “Intrusive thoughts regarding video game content might turn into obsessions or compulsions.”

people with TOC, a common mental health disorder, have uncontrollable and recurring thoughts and behaviors. They are unable to stop intrusive thoughts and compulsions, such as the need to wash their hands more than necessary. These compulsions and obsessions can become all-consuming, affecting their ability to perform normal activities, such as going to work or school.

Manage your child’s screen time

Parents are advised to set clear limits on when and where electronic devices can be used and to closely monitor the content their children watch. The Mayo Clinic suggests encouraging unplugged, unstructured playtime and creating tech-free zones, like in the bedroom. Parents are also encouraged to ban electronic devices at mealtimes and when their children are finishing their homework. It is also useful for children to charge their devices overnight and outside of their bedroom.

“What people need to remember is that the more screen time kids have, it means they have less time to get a lot of the things that we know are hugely important for development. of the child, including interaction with adults, sleep, opportunities to read, and more interactive conversations with non-verbal cues,” said Mitch Prinstein, scientific director of the American Psychological Association, who does not participated in neither study. BNC News.



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