A catastrophic problem.. If you find “saliva on your pillow when you wake up,” it is a great danger and may indicate that you have this disease

It has spread widely. Often a person ignores drooling during sleep and considers it unimportant and does not need to pay attention to it, and this is a big mistake, as the main reason most often for the appearance of these symptoms is the presence of a serious health problem that must be taken care of, and this forces you to resort to Visit the specialist doctor, and given the importance of the subject, and through our website, we will talk regarding everything related to the causes of salivation during sleep

Causes drooling during sleep

There are many reasons for this, which we can summarize as follows: Since perseverance in sleeping frequently on the right or left side leads to the appearance of saliva on the sleeping pad above it, so it is advised to change the sleeping position frequently and not sleep on one side. One of the most common causes of drooling is an infection of the tonsils. In addition, a stomach problem such as heartburn or reflux causes these symptoms. Also, one of the main reasons is taking some medical drugs that have some side effects, such as salivation, and examples of these drugs are carbines and antidepressants.. Opening the mouth during sleep and using it for breathing. Operation is a major cause of drooling.

Tips to prevent drooling

Among the most prominent tips that doctors face to get rid of saliva problems are the following tips:

It is necessary to ease the sleeping position by sleeping on the back. In addition to addressing any digestive problems. It is also necessary to examine the mouth and teeth because the cause most often lies in the presence of infections in the gums.

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