EU adopts new sanctions against Russia

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14h31 : More than 14 million tons of grain have been exported from Ukrainian ports thanks to the Black Sea Grain Initiative, according to a senior UN official. At a press conference in Geneva, UNCTAD Secretary General Rebeca Grynspan, very involved in the discussions, underlined the impact of this agreement between Ukraine and Russia, which has made it possible to reduce for seven months consecutive world food prices.

14h25 : It’s 2 p.m., here are the titles:

The city of Kherson is “totally” deprived of electricity because of a bombing, announces the regional governor Yaroslav Yanouchevytch. Follow our live.

1,353 euros net: this will be the amount of the minimum wage from January 1, an increase of 24 euros for this automatic revaluation at the start of the year, which takes inflation into account.

• The European Parliament asks to temporarily close the door to any representative of Qatar’s interests and decides to suspend all legislative work in connection with the emirate, following the scandal that shook the institution.

#“We call for the greatest calm and express our confidence in the institutions of the Republic, police and justice, so that the perpetrator is arrested and tried”, request Aymen’s family, this “young boy” who died last night in Montpellier (Hérault), hit by a driverfollowing France’s qualification for the World Cup final.

13h25 : The European Parliament recognized as genocide Soviet-induced famine in Ukraine 90 years ago, which led to the death of several million people. In a text voted almost unanimously (507 votes for, 12 votes once morest and 17 abstentions), MEPs gathered in Strasbourg believe that this “Holodomor” famine was committed “by the Soviet regime with the intention of destroying a group of people by deliberately inflicting living conditions leading inexorably to their physical annihilation”.


12h54 : This UN investigative commission recorded 441 summary executions and murders in three regions of Ukraine between the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24 and April 6, Volker Türk pointed out , presenting a report to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC).

12h43 : Hundreds of civilians were summarily executed in Ukraine during the first months of the invasion of the country by Russian forces, which constitute “probable war crimes”said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk.

12h32 : “Kherson is completely without electricity”Yaroslav Yanushevich said on Telegram at midday. “Heavy bombardment of critical infrastructure site continues” in a neighborhood of this major southern city, liberated from Russian occupation in November, he added.

12h25 : The city of Kherson is “totally” deprived of electricity because of a bombing, announces the regional governor Yaroslav Yanouchevytch.

12h24 : It is noon, here is the point on the news:

• Two people were killed this morning in a Russian strike on the center of the city of Kherson (south), according to the Ukrainian presidency. Follow our live.

In 2021, 208,000 victims of domestic violence were recorded in France, an increase of 21% compared to 2020, announces the Ministry of the Interior.

• The Court of Review overturned Farid El Hairy’s rape conviction pronounced in 2003following the retraction of his accuser.

• Another audience card for the Blues. Last night, the France-M semi-finalaroc attracted 20.69 million viewers on TF1according to data from Médiamétrie.

10h38 : “The enemy once more struck the center of the city, 100 meters from the building of the regional administration” bombed the day before, wrote on Telegram the deputy head of the Ukrainian presidential administration, Kyrylo Tymoshenko.

10h36 : Two people were killed this morning in a Russian strike on the center of the city of Kherson (south), according to the Ukrainian presidency.

09h50 : At least nine civilians were injured this morning in a bombardment on Donetsk, a separatist stronghold in eastern Ukraine, announced the pro-Russian authorities in the region. They say it’s the Ukrainian strikes “the most massive” on the city since 2014. According to Alexei Kulemzin, the head of the Donetsk administration, Ukrainian troops fired 40 rockets.

08h29 : “This war is not only our war, it is a war for European values.”

Olena Zelenska is very clear. At the microphone of France Inter, she said she wanted “ardently” that Vladimir Putin be brought before an international court, but she knows justice can take a long time.



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