Kids trends: nearly 1 in 2 children owns a smartphone – Image

M6 Publicité and Gulli presented their “Tendances Kids”, a study on video consumption by children and new trends within families. The quantitative barometer produced with Harris Interactive shows the video consumption habits of children aged 4-14 by viewing mode (Live, Replay, SVOD, Streaming, VOD) in France and abroad in five emblematic countries: Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Japan. Among the new features for 2022, M6 Publicité asked children regarding their audio consumption, in particular their uses and their perception. Regarding the qualitative aspect, it was carried out with the QualiQuanti institute on the theme of the metaverse.

We learn that children’s equipment continues to progress, driven by the smartphone which once more gains +3pts in 1 year. Nearly 1 in 2 children owns a smartphone today, a figure that rises to 80% among pre-teens aged 11-14. Live TV remains the mode of viewing most consumed by French children in 2022. SVOD coverage will stabilize in 2022. A trend also observed in the subscription rate of French families to the various SVOD platforms, which is stagnating at 86% (-1pt vs. 2021). As in France, this stabilization of SVOD penetration applies to almost all the other countries measured internationally. For its part, Live TV remains one of the 3 viewing modes most consumed by children regardless of the country, with coverage that still exceeds 80%.

In terms of viewing time, Live TV still predominates: it is 2 to 4 times longer than that of SVOD, and represents on average 40% of the overall video consumption time of children in the countries measured. Taking into account the extension of Live TV on digital platforms, the viewing time represents at least 2/3 of the overall video consumption of children in all countries. In France, Japan and English-speaking countries, this even represents 70% of video consumption time.

Nearly 9 out of 10 children use a connected speaker

For this edition, we are also interested in a practice that has accelerated with children since the health crisis: listening to audio content. In terms of equipment, 32% of French families have a connected speaker that nearly 9 out of 10 children use. With a rapidly expanding offer, story boxes are now present in 13% of households with children. This even concerns ¼ of households with children aged 4-6, which is the affinity target. In 2022, listening to audio content is a widespread practice among children. This is particularly the case for ¾ of children aged 4-6, 30% of whom listen to it daily.

81% of parents consider it a way for children to relax but also to develop their imagination and knowledge. 76% of parents also point to the ability of audio to improve their child’s concentration and memory. Regardless of age, the study observes a greater preference for funny stories (83%), subjects relating to animals and the environment (79%) and tales (74%). Cartoons come in 4th position among 7-10 year olds (+7pts vs the general population).

8 out of 10 households are equipped with a gaming console

Gaming already occupies a prominent place in children’s lives: 8 out of 10 households are equipped with a video game console and almost 9 out of 10 children play video games at least 45 minutes a day. Regarding the use of the Minecraft, Roblox and Fortnite platforms intended for children and pre-teens, France is further behind than the Anglo-Saxon countries and Spain, with 2/3 of French children who declare that they play at least 1 of these 3 games. All video games are therefore not metaverses, and vice versa: 1 out of 2 French children has already heard of the metaverse, but only 15% know what it is.

According to the qualitative survey, children who have heard of the metaverse mainly associate it with Meta and its vision, namely an ecosystem that relies entirely on virtual reality. Especially since children are very attracted to virtual reality headsets, especially for their immersive and ultra-realistic aspect. But in terms of equipment, this remains a minority in France: 14% of households are equipped with a virtual reality headset (Oculus type, VR headset for PS4, Xbox One or Switch, etc.) and 7% of children have one. one personally.

These virtual worlds develop children’s identity construction in a new way: when choosing their avatar, children mainly choose an avatar that looks like them. According to the study, immersion in these virtual worlds accelerates their cognitive and creative development, and promotes early learning of skills specific to the adult world. This new virtual economy (virtual objects, NFTs, etc.) allows them, for example, to become familiar with the world of finance and business very early on. Gulli has also launched “Mission Gulliverse”, a half-real, half-virtual, rhythmic and immersive game, to enter the Gulliverse: the virtual world of the channel.

The brand must adapt to the requirements of the different universes

The study indicates that “branded games” are not a guarantee of success. The brand must adapt to the codes, the requirements of the different worlds and be at the service of the game and not the reverse. An effective branded game is a game where the gaming and immersive dimension takes precedence. Brands must offer an attractive experience in terms of gameplay and take care of the aesthetics and visual coherence of their world. Children are also very sensitive to the realism of brand universes. The virtual makes it possible to make its universe and its virtual products accessible to a young target.

Virtual operations are not disconnected from reality but make it possible to give rise to new activations and fertile collaborations in the physical world: transfers of values ​​and coherent brand associations that make it possible to draw inspiration from virtual worlds to offer new objects. Thus, entering these worlds allows you to work on your long-term brand preference and consider a return on investment in the physical worlds.



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