brand new crossover IZH “Oda” 2022-2023 presented in the first photo

Despite the current difficulties, AvtoVAZ company does not intend to abandon plans to increase annual production to 400,000 vehicles. Moreover, she is going to achieve such a result already in 2023. However, this can be achieved subject to the restoration of production and expansion of the model range. But judging by recent statements by the head of AvtoVAZ, the company is not yet able to solve any of these tasks.

To achieve this goal, the Togliatti Automobile Plant needs not only to release a new crossover, but also to do it as soon as possible. Moreover, such a car should cost no more than a million rubles. Only in this case, AvtoVAZ will be able to quickly increase sales and, as a result, increase production. The domestic designer imagined what such a car might be like. He announced the publication of a series of renders with a compact crossover IZH “Oda” 2022-2023.

There are several reasons why AvtoVAZ should revive this particular brand. First of all, it will make it possible to share really cheap cars and Lada models among themselves. Recall that under the second brand AvtoVAZ will soon release 2 new crossovers, which will cost more than 1.5 million rubles. At the same time, thanks to the revival of Oda, the Togliatti Automobile Plant can produce a line of cheap cars. They will also include a new crossover.

At the same time, the future model will receive VAZ engines. That is, the IZH Oda 2022-2023 crossover will be equipped with a 1.6-liter 90-horsepower unit, along with which they will offer a 5- or 6-speed “mechanics”. This model will not receive more powerful motors, as this will lead to its rise in price.

Follow the news on our website. A full review of the new crossover “Oda” is already being prepared. Also subscribe to our YouTube-channel Naavtotrasse.ruwhere a detailed analysis of a possible novelty will be published. Author: Fedor Averiev



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