Just getting up from your chair or bed to go for a walk, or start practicing a sport and moving more has immediate positive effects on health, such as generating a sense of well-being in us. But those are not the only ones benefits of physical exercise and here we tell you what they are.
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Many experts agree that physical activity benefits everyone regardless of age, weight, gender, or physical ability. In fact, in a report from the Mayo Clinic in the United States, the main benefits of exercise were known:
- Prevent diseases and strengthen defenses: There are many health conditions that can be prevented if you stay active: cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndromes, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, anxiety, some types of cancer, arthritis and even some cognitive conditions. In addition, it increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, the ‘good’ cholesterol, and lowers bad triglycerides.
- Improve your sex life: There are three aspects that are improved with exercise that can help to have a better sexual life: it improves your energy levels, secondly, probably, it gives you more confidence in your appearance; and it can also increase women’s libido, while decreasing erectile dysfunction problems in men.
- Helps improve sleep and, with this, delays aging of some organs of the body.
- Keep your weight healthy: By burning calories with physical activity, the chances of being overweight and obese are reduced, conditions that impact the health of millions of people around the world.
- Improves mood: Thanks to the chemicals that are stimulated by physical activity, many people tend to feel happier, more comfortable with themselves, relaxed, and less anxious.
We hope that telling you regarding these benefits will help you make the decision to move more and take advantage of the exercises that you can do in your daily routine.