Is HIV/AIDS over? | MediaSalvice

Par : Grasela Sagita Taruna, S.Pd (Muslim militant)

AVIS,, Reported from– The number of people living with HIV continues to increase each year. Epidemiological data from UNAIDS indicates that by 2021, the number of people living with HIV will reach 38.4 million. The groups of women and children show an alarming number.

In Indonesia, the largest Muslim population in ASIA, there are approximately 543,100 people living with HIV with approximately 27,000 new infections in 2021. About 40% of new infections are among women, while that more than 51% occur in adolescents (15-24 years). ), and 12% of new infections in children.

Meanwhile, the city health unit Batam recorded an increase in the number of cases HIV/AIDS in the city of Batam it will reach 446 people in 2022. What is surprising, according to the conclusions of the Office of Health, is that the increase in cases is dominated by differences in the behavior of same-sex couples. (Reported from Liputan6).

Head of Batam City Health Department, Didi Kusmardjadi, said the frequency of increase in HIV/AIDS cases was due to same-sex couples and it was not only happening in Batam but also in Indonesia at the national level and even in other countries.

Even in Gorontalo itself, specifically in the regency of North Gorontalo, there were 64 people living with HIV/AIDS as of March 2022. This was stated by the Head of Health Department of North Gorontalo, Rizal Yusuf Kune , when he was met by the media in his office. According to him, the rate of HIV/AIDS is quite high and what is even worse is the validated data, most of them are of working age. (Reported by HARGO.CO.ID).

“In North Gorontalo there is always a higher rate of MSM (men who have sex with men) or guys and IRT (housewives). It is possible that this happened because fathers used to ‘munch’ carelessly and then bring ‘memories’ home,” Rizal Yusuf Kune said.

The conclusion can be drawn that new HIV/AIDS infections continue to increase due to the increase in deviant behavior of same-sex couples, and free sex which has become a culture. As a result, many women and children are also infected.

On December 1, 2022, UNAIDS Indonesia, Positive Indonesia Network, Indonesian Association of Positive Women, Lantern Anak Pelangi and Pelita Ilmu Foundation formed a National Alliance to End Childhood AIDS in Indonesia. This alliance was initiated to address one of the most pressing issues in the AIDS response. (Reported from

The goal of the National Alliance to End Childhood AIDS is to ensure that no child living with HIV can access treatment because in Indonesia only 25% of children living with HIV receive life-saving antiretroviral therapy.

Unfortunately, of this number, only 28% received ARV treatment. Indonesia ranks third in Asia-Pacific for ARV treatment coverage, along with Pakistan and Afghanistan.

To achieve the AIDS epidemic in 2030, everyone must increase their prevention efforts, everyone with a positive test result must immediately undergo ARV treatment, everyone on treatment must be disciplined to reach a suppressed viral load.

And that’s what Krittayawan Boonto said, “Multi-sector strengthening is important to do in order to get enough support for the HIV agenda. Countries must also prioritize funding for HIV programs. This way I believe we can all end AIDS by 2030″,

In fact, various programs aimed at solving HIV cases in 2030 will not be able to solve them, because the solutions provided cannot touch the root of the problem, moreover the legalization of deviant behaviors is in fact demanded. Moreover, the state even lacks funds to provide treatment to the sick.

On the other hand, the United Nations analysis stated that it is inequality that prevents the end of AIDS. Dangerous Inequalities shows how gender inequality and discriminatory gender norms can stand in the way of ending the AIDS pandemic.

UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima said: “The world will not be able to defeat AIDS if patriarchy is still strong”,

In fact, this analysis is ridiculous and seems without consequence in the treatment of HIV. because they only see it from the perspective of men who might be able to transmit HIV/AIDS, without seeing it once more, why has that transmission gone so wrong? Especially if sexual deviance is allowed to exist within the ummah under the guise of human rights, this can of course exacerbate the spread of HIV, even if a myriad of solutions are provided, they cannot solve it. Because the root of the problem is when we forget the role of religion in the regulation of life or secularism.

Thus, in a system of secularism, it limits religion in the regulation of associations, social interactions and requires freedom of behavior, including homosexual relations which are at the origin of the loss of control of HIV/AIDS. As long as secularism is the basis of life, it will be impossible to eradicate HIV/AIDS infection because secularism actually opens up possibilities for the transmission of HIV/AIDS infection.

Thus, the goal of a world without HIV/AIDS to be achieved in 2030 “Three Zero HIV/AIDS 2030” will be far from expectations, because since its launch in 2010, new HIV infections have continued to increase.

So we have to see how Islam resolves, how Islam regulates social interaction. Islam forbids all disobedience and is able to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS infection. Do we still doubt the Islamic solution?

Allah swt a dit:

One of God’s best provisions for people who have firm faith

Meaning: What is the law of Jahiliyah they want, and whose law is better than the law of God for those who believe (QS Al-Maidah: 50)

God bless you[]

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