To resolve the debate on Article 49 as a prelude

The Phalangist Political Bureau held its meeting under the chairmanship of the head of the party, Representative Sami Gemayel. And he issued a statement, in which he rejected “the lightness with which the presidential election is dealt with, which is supposed to be the daily concern of all political parties, whose duty is to set aside polemics, point-scoring processes, and sterile media debates until the completion of this fateful national duty that the constitution obliges them to do.”

The party denounced “the prevailing confusion in democratic life as a result of the refusal to implement the constitution, respect the laws, and rely on jurisprudence, if it continues, it will lead to an even greater blockage.”

He stressed “the need to complete the discussion initiated by the Phalanges’ deputies inside the Council on Article 49, which talks regarding the legal quorum for convening the session and deciding it once for all, in preparation for holding successive polling sessions that lead to the election of a president away from the logic of obstruction currently adopted, and invites the other team that does not stop talking regarding His outstretched hand is to reach consensus, to get out of the logic of the white paper and to propose a name that allows entry into the democratic election game.

The Political Bureau considered that “linking the fate of the merits and the country to bilateral understandings that fall at times and float at times according to personal whims and ambitions or links to foreign agendas is the biggest evidence that Hezbollah and its allies control the country and take it hostage to their interests and the interests of their regional operator, pending a settlement that brings the president who protects the weapon.”

He warned of “some manifestations of security chaos that have begun to appear in a number of Lebanese regions and lead to problems that the country does not need in its current situation,” calling for the necessary awareness to prevent frictions that may be misinterpreted. Holidays to maintain stability.

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