Find out what is forecast for this Tuesday morning in Orlando, according to the weather forecast | Videos | Univision Orlando WVEN

of human resources to the numberthat on your screen.amber: we continue reviewingthe weather conditions.gustavo: they are expectedrainfall on the coastspace.iriana: the rains will befew, the most important thing is thestrong cold front that reachesthe region, the temperaturewill start to slow downgradually during the eveningon Thursday and change themtemperature you have notdirection is next viernes.right now the stormIt is quite powerful and thenorthern sector is snow whatis falling in sectors ofenver, colorado, in the sectorsouth is cold frontassociated with low blood pressureit’s causing stormssevere in texas, already for theThursday at 11:00 p.m.with this system you will befully displaced andas our zone recedeswe will see cold air that is whythat the temperature willdecrease on friday and alsothe next weekend.for the weekend thatincreasing the probability ofdownpours and storms duringlate Saturday night, seethat we have increased risksevere weather for oursector, let’s see somesuper élulas capable ofcause strong winds.we have bands of downpours thatwill be transported byeast wind and we waitopportunities forrain especially on the coastwe see the activity ofstopped downpours towards theporres here we have warningfor small the followingnoon you can remove thecoat because we are going to havepleasant conditions andthere cool temperatures and theactivity the downpours will bemostly dedicated to the sectorcoastal, next week



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