Bernabé Gutiérrez and his AD will not participate in primaries

The experienced leader pointed out that the “result is already sung.”

Bernabé Gutiérrez, national secretary general of Acción Democrática (AD), confirmed through his social networks that the white party will not participate in the primary elections called by the G4.

“AD’s position regarding the primaries called by the G4 is firm, we do not participate, nor do we lend ourselves to legitimize the criminal actions of a quartet that has used an “interim government” to embezzle Venezuelan assets abroad,” he reiterated. .

Through a press release, he pointed out that AD “is the first opposition force in the country, with more history, more experience in the presidential arena and more militants” in the country.

“Those of us who direct the reins of Acción Democrática are not ambiguous, nor do we fish in troubled rivers, much less will we mortgage the future of the country, placing the fate of Venezuela in the hands of Pharisees,” he said.

Finally, he said that AD is neither bought nor sold, and will not participate in primaries that “already have the result sung.”

“In 2024, with the unstoppable force of our people, we will arrive in Miraflores to govern for all Venezuelans, eradicating hatred and resentment forever, and giving way to the well-being and progress of the country,” he declared.

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