A policewoman killed her husband in an argument

Neighbors of the neighborhood assured that the couple of officers, allegedly, used to have heated discussions due to marital problems and custody of the daughter.

An official from the Zulia Police Force (Cpez) was murdered by his partner, also a member of the police force, when they were arguing over the custody of a daughter.

The neighbors assured that it all began at 6:00 am this Sunday, when the deceased, identified as Jonathan Villamil, arrived at his partner’s home, on a motorcycle and firing his firearm into the air.

The official, who was sharing with relatives, refused to hand over the girl and they started a strong argument.

They reported that the man wanted to point the gun at his daughter’s mother, but she pounced on him and they struggled with the gun. Seconds later a shot rang out and the officer fell lifeless on the pavement. The bullet hit his stomach.

Immediately, inquiries from the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigation Corps (Cicpc) arrived in the Bicentenario neighborhood, south of Maracaibo, and were in charge of removing the body and proceeding to arrest the policewoman.

Neighbors of the neighborhood assured that the couple of officers, allegedly, used to have heated discussions due to marital problems and custody of the daughter, reported Final version.

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