The wage is 600 baht, reflecting the force of the area. Exceeding expectations!?

Thailand 360 degrees

I must say that the announcement of the vision of the Pheu Thai Party led by “Aung Ing” Ms. Pae Thongtarn Shinawatra, the head of the Pheu Thai family. during the party’s general meeting to elect additional party executive directors on December 6 in a new name changed from the original “Tomorrow Pheu Thai” has become “Think Big, Do It for All Thais”.

She emphasized that by 2027 under the Pheu Thai Party government If managing the country for 4 years, reducing expenses, increasing income for the people Thai people will see the change. In which Thai people must receive a minimum wage equal to the dignity of the Thai people. That is, not less than 600 baht per day. The salary of graduates with a bachelor’s degree is at 25,000 baht or more.

Of course, in the announced policies, there are 10 items, but those that call for a buzz or call “outcry” cursing each other in the fields. probably a matter The increase in wages from the original “hundred percent” and the salary of a bachelor’s degree 25,000 baht per month is the main issue. Because it is considered a broad impact and at all levels, both directly and indirectly

But the remarkable thing is Voices of objection came from around the circle. more than praise because most Especially those business groups agree that this is. economic “catastrophe” It destroys the potential of competition. Because it causes expensive inflation. And also believes that if such wage increases actually occur, it will affect foreign investment that will have to divert to other countries in this area where wages are cheaper.

At the same time, another policy that has been talked regarding a lot is Salary for a bachelor’s degree is 25,000 baht, if a new graduate receives such salary. That means that there must be a salary adjustment for the entire system, including the old salary. 15,000-20,000 baht and have been working for many years, must be adjusted once more. and must be more or not Because of the work age and work experience than the new graduates Including the need to use the budget to increase the salary to the minimum rate equal to the private sector. or similar which requires enormous amounts of money
Although later, Ms. Pae Thongtarn Shinawatra will try to explain more as a whole It must be under the condition that the economy grows at least 5 percent per year consecutively. and wage rates And the aforementioned bachelor’s salary will occur in 2027, when the Pheu Thai party must complete a 4-year term.

Ms. Pae Thongtarn explains that the minimum wage was 300 baht that used to be raised during the government. Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, for more than 10 years, the minimum wage has only increased by regarding 10 baht, so the Pheu Thai Party must think big. for the entire country’s economy to move together but not the country’s budget To reduce inequality, get rich, concentrate until spread out, as for the country’s GDP, it will grow on average 5% per year, not a fixed 5% every year, which in the first year may be higher than 5%. The following year may decrease according to the numbers. yearly average to grow and look at the global economy as well

“Today is not strange at all. that people will think the cost will increase Today the wage has increased to 600 baht, still can’t figure it out because the economy is still not good. When the economy is good in the whole system, it will go by the nature of the economy itself, ”said Ms. Pae Thongtarn.

Ms. Pae Thongtarn further said that for economic growth, we want to grow the whole system, the whole country, people of all classes, people of all backgrounds, gain benefits, have the opportunity to have dignity. Have the honor to be able to go out to live, spend, reduce debt, take care of the family. that’s the concept that we have changed since that party campaign We must think big and act for all Thai people. The problem has been there for a long time Think small, the problem is not over, you have to think big to solve the whole system.

Dr. Phromin Lertsuridej Chairman of the Pheu Thai Party Policy Committee added that The minimum wage increase will be done in stages. We realize that many people criticize that We destroy the business structure. which is not true because we realize that The minimum wage increase is a matter of employers and employees and the state looks at the big picture so that the country can move on. We have to move together step by step. The important thing is that we must generate income first.

“What we have already stated definitely possible because we have done it in the past And please be confident that we will grow together, ”said Dr. Prommin.

What to consider is After the announcement of 10 policies, two of which were wages of 600 baht per day and bachelor’s salary of 25,000 baht, which turned out to be resistance. There was criticism all around. In the same way that the payer is not the person making the policy or political party that has received the vote As for the private sector that has to bear the burden beyond their shoulders.

However, it is worth noting that the Pheu Thai Party’s policy announcement this time, even if it is a double “double”. But it turned out that the response was not as hilarious as when the 300 baht wage policy was issued during the Yingluck Shinawatra government in 11-12, especially this time. Criticism from the private sector Almost all small businesses protested. Not to mention the opposing political parties. which are stated in the same voice as destroying the country’s investment economy Rather than promoting growth

At the same time, in politics, it is also seen that issuing policies in a manner known as This “super populism” aims to campaign. want the Pheu Thai Party to win in a “land slide” way, do everything possible to get a government Which still has another hidden goal, that is, wanting to “bring Thaksin” back home without impunity, that is, to issue an amnesty law Therefore, if we say that a new round of populism There is a main goal. Hope to bring father home It’s just that the resistance is louder than expected!!



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