Dominique Metzger was treated in a hospital in Qatar and surprised explained what the health system is like

The TN host had to attend a medical center due to a health problem and shared her experience with her followers.

Dominique Metzger is installed in Doha to cover the Qatar World Cup and in the last hours she uploaded a video to Instagram to tell that she had a health problem for which she had to be treated.

The truth is that the TN driver was hoarse and decided to go to a hospital to receive medical attention. In addition to sharing her experience, Dominique told how the health system works in the middle eastern country.

“Well, friends, I’m in the hospital. I live experiences I… I am hoarse and I came to see myself in the hospital“The journalist advanced and showed that she was in an exclusive sector for women.

The TN host attended a hospital and recounted her experience. Instagram.

“There is a reception for women, for women and now I have to wait for them to call me and all women serve you, nurses, doctors, all female staff,” she said while showing the reception of the luxurious medical center with her cell phone camera.

The driver recorded her experience in a series of photos and videos that she shared on the aforementioned social network with her almost 300,000 followers.

Metzger showed images of the medical center, with an exclusive section for women.  Instagram.

Metzger showed images of the medical center, with an exclusive section for women. Instagram.

In addition, she stressed how well she was cared for by the Qatari health personnel and stressed that they gave her the medicines free of charge.

“Living another experience in Qatar,” he wrote in the post.

And he continued: “Today I experienced going to the public health system. It’s all top-notch, a women-only sector where only women work. They gave me all the medicines for free.”

The driver shared images of the hospital with her followers.  Instagram.

The driver shared images of the hospital with her followers. Instagram.

Dominique Metzger was robbed while going live from Qatar

mid november Dominique Metzger was robbed in the middle of the street while it aired on TN.

After 8:30 p.m. in Doha, the driver was in front of the camera when they took her wallet, where she had money, cards and all her documents.

“Well, Qatari experiences. My wallet just got stolen when we were doing the live start. This is the police, they sent me here to file a complaint,” Dominique said in a video she shared on Instagram.

Dominique Metzger was robbed in Doha.  Capture TV.

Dominique Metzger was robbed in Doha. Capture TV.

“They assure that everything is under surveillance here and that they are going to find the wallet,” he said.

And continued: “He had the documents, money, cards… obviously what worries me the most, the other does not matter to me at all. So nothing, we’ll see what happens. Experiences that one did not expect to live, live them “.

In this context, the driver went to a police station to file a complaint and took the opportunity to show what the establishment was like.

“Here we are inside the police station. As a detail of ‘color’, put it, it is a sector for women only. They made me go to a waiting area for women only because everything is divided“, he recounted in the aforementioned social network.

The driver's wallet was stolen with money, documents and cards.  Capture TV.

The driver’s wallet was stolen with money, documents and cards. Capture TV.

“In a sector there are the men then. You go to the main counter and they refer you. Now a female police officer comes. Let’s see what they tell me,” he explained later.

Later, Metzger went back on the air and told more regarding the robbery: “We were in this place touring the hourglass that counts down to the start of the World Cup and it was full of people. We went to the back and I suffered a robberynothing violent: they opened my wallet and took my wallet“.

The truth is that he realized that his wallet was missing when he wanted to buy water. She then went to talk to a police officer who referred her to a police station staffed by women.

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