A girl recovered from leukemia after receiving an experimental treatment in London, and Macron will travel to Qatar to attend the France-Morocco match

US authorities are holding a Libyan man suspected of having manufactured the bomb that caused the bombing of a plane over the town of Lockerbie 34 years ago.

Two years ago, the United States charged Abu Ageila Masoud Al-Marimi with involvement in the bombing that took place in December 1988.

The explosion that occurred on board a plane en route from London to New York over the Scottish town of Lockerbie killed 270 people, in what is considered the deadliest terrorist attack on British soil.

Reports had spoken of the disappearance of Abu Ageila Masoud by an armed group in Libya, fueling speculation that he would be handed over to Washington in preparation for his trial.

In 2001, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi was convicted of bombing the plane in a trial that took place in the Netherlands.

Al-Megrahi was released in 2009 following suffering from cancer, before he died in Libya in 2012.

: Getty Images



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