New attempt for Twitter subscription – look

Account verification

Twitter makes new attempt for paid subscription

After several failed attempts, Twitter is making another attempt to introduce a paid subscription for users. The Twitter Blue offer will start on Monday, as Twitter announced on Saturday.

After several failed attempts, Twitter is making another attempt to introduce a paid subscription for users.

With this, users are asked to check out for the verification of their user account by the white tick in a blue circle. The tick, which indicates that a user account has been verified by Twitter, was previously free and was awarded to politicians, celebrities, journalists and organizations. In future, a paid subscription will be a prerequisite for the coveted verification tick on a user account.

Twitter Blue is said to be significantly more expensive for iPhone users: «We’re relaunching @TwitterBlue on Monday – subscribe on the web for $8/month or on (Apple’s) iOS for $11/month, and get access to exclusive features including the blue one Check mark,” the company tweeted.



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