Family recipes to make it attractive

Antonio Fernández Pro-Ledesma (SEMG), José Polo García (Semergen) and Remedios Martín (Semfyc).

Medical representation in the specialty of Family medicine has the particular context of having three scientific societies with shared interests. As a result of this, the different organizations collaborate in the issuance of documents, the organization of monothematic conferences or the defense of the interests of the physicians. However, on multiple occasions tricephalus formed by the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semergen), the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG) and the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (Semfyc) it’s divided in two opposing sides.

One of the last differences in the ways of seeing Primary Care lies in the possible solutions that must be contributed to attract the family doctors at squares of difficult coverage of emptied Spain. Recently, from Semfyc, its president, Remedios Martín, has highlighted that “the lack of professionals must be replaced with innovative management strategies, with the collaboration of all possible resources in the rural area, with all health actors, with the community, and avoiding short-term policies of coverage of places” in a clear reference to the hiring of non-certified professionals.

However, both SEMG and Semergen consider that it is not “you have to invent nothing” and what should be done, as detailed in Medical Writingit is what “They’ve been asking for years”: really bet on Primary Care with an adequate investment in human resources that dignifies the profession and is on a par with European countries to avoid the flight of professionals.

Do SEMG and Semergen veto Semfyc?

This newspaper has tried to obtain Semfyc’s version, but has not found an answer. On the contrary, from SEMG They do not attribute this difference in criteria “to nothing” and they remember that they are an “absolutely open society”. An opinion that they share with Semergen: “We we have a relationship with all societies”details José Polo García, president of the medical society.

Pro-Ledesma: “The attitude of collaboration is something that depends individually on each society”

For Pro-Ledesma, the collaborative attitude is something that “It depends individually on each company”. In your case, ensure that “never ever” are “exclusive or exclusive”. “For us, whenever they offer us to go hand in hand, we go with whoever, it’s not a SEMG problem”, details the doctor.

Does industry support matter?

According to Polo García, “some companies have made comments or have not wanted to be there because many of the activities are financed by the pharmaceutical industry and have commented that that’s smoke”.

For the leader of Semergen, that “smoke” whenever there is a “coherence, ethical codes and a cordial relationship, knowing full well that “there will be nothing strange” should be used to provide training. “Yes the Administration does not arrive to form and the industry helps me in this, we agree to continue isa collaboration that is fruitful for all”, claims Polo.

Polo García: “If the Administration does not arrive to train and the industry helps me with it, we agree to continue this collaboration that is fruitful for everyone”

Another of the issues that Polo García highlights is that there are companies that have become judge and party. “The 90 percent of our members are in medical consultation, there are some in management, but we do not make our lives to be in teaching units or councils. Currently, there are a few Family doctors who are counselors and Primary Care has never been so bad like now. We will have to see what society they are from ”, details the medical leader.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend to the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a health professional.



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