A medical team extracts a mobile phone from the stomach of a young man at the University Emergency Hospital in Tanta.. Pictures

A medical team at the University Emergency Hospital in Tanta succeeded in saving the life of a patient who accidentally swallowed a mobile phone, as the mobile was extracted through binoculars without any surgical intervention..

Dr. Mahmoud Zaki, President of Tanta University, praised the skill and efficiency of the surgical team, which intervened in a timely manner to save the patient, stressing that university hospitals are fully prepared to serve patients in the Delta governorates, directed to provide full medical care to the patient until he recovers.

Dr. Ahmed Ghoneim, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Tanta University, explained that the University Emergency Hospital received a young man, who was in a very critical condition, following he accidentally swallowed a mobile phone more than two months ago, and it settled in the stomach and the beginning of the duodenum, which posed a great threat to his life due to a case of asthma. Continuous vomiting and abdominal bloating with complete stiffness in the abdominal muscles, and the possibility of internal bleeding or stomach or intestinal obstruction, which necessitated the rapid intervention of the medical team present in the university hospital by conducting a therapeutic endoscope without any surgical intervention, and the medical team succeeded in saving the patient’s life and extracting the mobile phone, Pointing out that the process of extracting the mobile phone took an hour.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine stated that this type of case requires urgent and accurate intervention, with the appropriate decision taken in the timing and type of intervention according to the case and its health data, especially with the need for urgent intervention, adding that the medical team that carried out the urgent intervention to save the life of the citizen with great skill, was under Supervised by Dr. Loay Al-Ahwal, Head of Internal Medicine Departments, and Dr. Muhammad Mabrouk, Assistant Professor in the Endoscopy Unit, and the surgical operation was carried out by the medical team headed by Dr. Muhammad Anaba, Professor of Internal Medicine and Endoscopy, Dr. Mahmoud Gawish and Dr. Muhammad Junaidi, faculty members in the department, consultants in the Endoscopy Unit, and the resident doctor, Dr. Hanan Samy .

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