Medical experts explain the effectiveness of natural supplements to treat respiratory diseases | Videos | Univision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

as an alternative to keephealthy to you and your family.nadia: andrea, it should be noted thatthe best treatment ispreventive. keep a diethealthy, exercise, caretheir hours of sleep and avoidalcohol consumption.>> natural supplements don’twe have to wait for us to be ahealth disorder.nadia: arturo garía drives anaturist pharmacy in the south anddowntown los angeles explainedthan alternative medicineworks best when you don’t knowleave as a last resort.if it is accompanied by a lifehealthy and consumed in itsmajority during the courseof the year.>> they don’t have an effectsecondary, because we know thatcomes from nature, they arenadia: these are thesupplements you can takethis winter.>> as we’re looking at it, everythingwhat is the supplement isfor the respiratory system.It’s like a replacementto what he fell. Eastunique contains allantioxidant fruits.we are seeing that this is going torespiratory system. in casecough, flu, body losore. if there is already a two verynearby is a syrup.has for me, equine towards.nadia: we consulted with ahealth specialist regardingthese alternatives.what is the opinion on thenatural supplements?>> opinions were going. butif we go to the general and Iask the particular, I amagree that theuse of the productsnatural and alternativetreat diseases,especially now with theflu, what is happening andpharmacists.nadia: the expert adds thatyou have to be very careful withcertain supplements, thensome people can belike the horse towards, in laurelthat are consumed a lot betweenLatino community.>> it is not recommended to giveproducts with honey from bees tothere is a name diseasebotulism that can cause

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