Mental Health.. Recovery from Depression – Laila Ibrahim Shalaby

Posted on: Friday, December 9, 2022 – 9:05 PM | Last update: Friday, December 9, 2022 – 9:05 PM

This week I finished reading a number of scientific studies dealing with depression. Among them is an important study that compared the disability that results from depression, and between two hundred different diseases and injuries, so depression ranked second following spinal pain in what is known as lower back pain.
Another study indicates that those who suffer from depression are more likely to die early, unlike those with childish faces, as the study puts it, who enjoy relatively long lives.
Why talk regarding depression today? A question that is not intended to be interrogative; Do not forget, dear reader, that we are all in the crossfire these days.
Of course, there is a difference between depression that is caused by genetic, hormonal and environmental factors, and between depressive feelings in which events and psychological stress play the greatest factor, but it may also not be forgotten that depressive feelings in which events and psychological stress play the largest factor in it may be a precursor to depression or that it is the first degree of disease .
It begins with a decline and apathy, a sense of frustration and the futility of any effort to get out of the crises, spinning in vicious circles of frustrating sophistical debates, exposure to continuous and repeated psychological pressures, a sense of helplessness and fear of the unknown to come.
It may indeed be easy to speak and ascend the platform of advice for every speaker, but the reality is that the matter is indeed difficult and requires beautiful patience and determination without retreat. Depressive feelings are no longer limited to the exacerbation of personal matters, but man has become like blotting paper that absorbs ink wherever he meets him.
The matter went beyond private sorrows when national and global sorrows emerged in which the citizens of the same country shared living difficulties and local problems. Some of them also expanded to include the entire world, such as that pandemic and its repercussions that ignited a war of fear of an undoubted danger on the horizon.
The two studies focused on the circumstances, circumstances, and repercussions surrounding depression. The two studies were prepared according to international standards that made it possible to know details, including that the diagnosis of depression and the availability of information regarding it for the average person is available in developed countries, which are differently rich in third world countries. Also, the disability that accompanies depression differs in its forms from one society to another, although it always remains important and influential in the productivity of society, regardless of whether it is in the North or the South.
As for diagnosis and treatment, these two studies testify that a small percentage receives care that begins with proper diagnosis and ends with treatment of all kinds. This seems clear in the clear difference between the different societies in the countries of the Western world that are relatively aware of the repercussions of depression, in which the patient can return to society in a state of health, and those poor societies in which the patient is lost and his illness, to withdraw from life and enter the cocoon of disability.
Dear reader: I hope you have received my message. It is a sincere call to recover psychological well-being and resist falling into the trap of disability, as this is undoubtedly a disability that can be undone, and it does not oblige you to deal with it or adapt your life accordingly. It is a temporary disability that can be cured and dealt with as an emergency that needs sincere effort to get rid of.

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