They arrested an employee of the Minister of Social Development of Catamarca beaten to death

The employee who worked in the house of the Minister of Social Development of Catamarca, Juan Carlos Rojascivil servant who was assassinated with blows to the head, was arrested, following the investigators noticed “inconsistencies” in her statement provided in the case.

The suspect, whose identity was not released, was arrested yesterday by personnel from the Catamarca Police and was made available to the prosecutor in the case, Laureano Palaciosan official who works as a team with two other prosecutors by order of the Procurator General of the province.

Judicial sources quoted by the Télam news agency explained that they detected “Some inconsistencies in the statement that the now detainee had already given, added to the analysis of the film records in the vicinity of the minister’s house and the expert opinion of Rojas’s cell phone and other cell phones”.

Rojas had been found dead last Sunday in the patio of his house in the provincial capital. The “natural death” was ruled out with a second autopsy that determined that the official died for a “cranial-encephalic trauma” when hit by a “blunt object”.

“Yesterday and today we were working all the time together with all the prosecutors, the entire team and with the police,” prosecutor Palacios said in statements to the media. The cause is under summary secrecy.

Luis Barrionuevo and Minister Rojas

When it had not yet been determined that Rojas had been murdered, the general secretary of the Union of Tourism, Hotel and Gastronomic Workers (Uthgra) Luis BarrionuevoHe referred to the case as a homicide.

“We do not suspect a robbery. It is a murder because nothing is missing and nothing was violated. We are going to discover the author or authors since he was a loved person who led a union and at the same time a ministry”, Barrionuevo had said in statements to the TN news channel shortly following the news of the death of the provincial official was released.

ivan sarquis, a lawyer for the Rojas family, also referred to the fact as a crime. “We are facing a violent death“, held.

Rojas’s body was found by his son, who went to his father’s house because he might not communicate with him.

“At 8 in the morning he called the lady who cleans his house because he was alone. The employee felt a blow and was not able to call any of her relatives. She didn’t go to see him or anything. She was out in the yard in 50 degree heat for a day and a half. They hit him with something blunt and he fell backwards. We believe that [el asesino] is someone known”, Barrionuevo said in the aforementioned interview.


Conocé The Trust Project



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