There is no need to follow the trend of hoarding medicines, and the market volume of medicines has doubled

Source title: You don’t have to follow the trend to stockpile medicines. The market volume of medicines has doubled. The city releases 400,000 boxes of Lianhua Qingwen every day.

At present, how is the delivery of drugs such as Lianhua Qingwen in pharmacies and hospitals in Beijing? On December 6, the reporter visited a number of pharmacies and found that the offline drug stocks were sufficient, and the online order delivery capacity increased, which could be delivered to citizens in time, without the need to blindly “stock up drugs”.

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Increased stocking of medicines and drug prices remain unchanged

At 5 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, at Tongrentang Songyuli Pharmacy in Chaoyang District, the reporter saw that at the counter, there were Lianhua Qingwen Capsules, Ganmao Qingre Granules, Banlangen Granules, Ibuprofen, Children Qingfei Oral Liquid, etc. Cough and anti-infection medicines are complete.

“Our store is full of all kinds of medicines. Among them, there are 62 kinds of four kinds of medicines for colds, fevers, coughs and so on.” Cheng Yongsheng, the manager of the pharmacy, introduced. The reporter learned that since December 6, Tongrentang Songyuli Pharmacy has increased the supply of medicines. For example, Lianhua Qingwen Capsules and Ganmao Qingre Granules arrive in 200 boxes every day. “Like these two medicines, only about 10 boxes were stocked every day.” Cheng Yongsheng said. In terms of price, Lianhua Qingwen capsules with a specification of 36 capsules are priced at 29.8 yuan per box, and there is no price fluctuation.

The reporter learned that the online and offline sales volume of pharmacies increased significantly that day, but because of sufficient inventory, there was no out-of-stock phenomenon.

Increase transportation capacity to ensure timely delivery of medicines

“There is a new order, please check it in time”… The prompt sound of the online order system keeps echoing in a “Dingdang Smart Pharmacy” in Dengshikou, Dongcheng District. In addition to selling medicines on-site, this pharmacy located in Dengshikou also sells medicines online through platforms such as “Dingdang Kuaiyao”. When the reporter visited the pharmacy in the afternoon, he saw takeaway delivery staff running in and out of the 120-square-meter pharmacy, and four drug sorters carrying small plastic baskets were busy walking around in front of the shelves. “In the past, only sixty or seventy orders were delivered every day. In the past two days, each person has to deliver more than one hundred orders every day.” A deliveryman took more than 30 orders of takeaway medicines at once, and he put the medicines in the delivery box while Say.

In order to facilitate nearby citizens to purchase needed medicines in a timely manner, this “Dingdang Smart Pharmacy” has doubled its capacity. Originally, there were 18 drug delivery staff, but now it has increased to more than 30 people. The store manager and licensed pharmacist Wang Huiyun said that since last Saturday, the sales of cold medicine, cough syrup, pharyngitis throat lozenges, vitamin C and other medicines have soared. At the same time, the reporter saw that the supply of medicines in the store is very sufficient. The Lianhua Qingwen Capsules are placed in the most accessible position on the shelf, and Fenbid and other antipyretic drugs for adults are also piled up on the shelves.

“From December 5th, the headquarters will distribute 200 boxes of Lianhua Qingwen Capsules to each of our pharmacies every day, so that people can buy medicines nearby. The supplies are replenished every day, and there is no need for citizens to hoard a lot of medicines.” Wang Huiyun suggested, For example, there are 24 tablets in a box of Fenbid. Buying a box can last for a long time, and it is a waste to stock up too much and expire.

Pharmacies replenish at least once a day

The reporter learned that on December 6, the Municipal Food and Drug Administration required all drug chain companies to increase their distribution efforts to ensure that terminal pharmacies replenish at least once a day. All e-commerce platforms have adopted a reservation model, and consumer demand can be met in the near future. .

Starting from December 5th, the number of Lianhua Qingwen granules and capsules put on the market in this city will be maintained at about 400,000 boxes per day, and priority will be given to pharmacies with dense traffic and strong sales capabilities in residential communities and supermarkets, as well as community health services. The center supplies goods and gradually expands to all pharmacies in the city.

In addition, on December 6, the city also released 200,000 boxes of Jinhua Qinggan Granules at one time, giving priority to supplying to community hospitals. The number of daily releases will remain at 20,000 to 30,000 boxes in the near future. It is understood that the number of the above two drugs on the market is 3 to 4 times that of the previous one.

The reporter also learned that Beijing Yiling Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., the manufacturer of Lianhua Qingwen, currently adopts a closed-loop management model, with all employees on duty, and the existing production line has been produced at maximum capacity.

Municipal Food and Drug Administration: Citizens don’t have to follow suit and “stock up on drugs”

Winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases. In order to prevent the new coronavirus and influenza virus, citizens have increased the purchase and storage of medicines. The Municipal Food and Drug Administration reminds that each drug has a shelf life and corresponding functions and indications. Once the shelf life expires, it will cause waste. It is recommended to consult a doctor before using it rationally. People with abnormal liver and kidney functions or gastrointestinal diseases should be more cautious. medication.

In addition, in response to the tight supply of some drugs in the market, the Municipal Food and Drug Administration, in conjunction with relevant departments, coordinated drug production and distribution companies, and took multiple measures to ensure market supply and meet consumer demand. At the same time, it also reminds the general public that medicines are special commodities, please purchase rationally and according to needs, and do not blindly hoard medicines.

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