Re-learning the skills necessary for work “Reskilling”… The gap between enthusiastic and ineffective companies lies in the “internal digital revolution”! : J-CAST Company Watch

“Reskilling,” in which workers relearn skills and knowledge useful for their work, is becoming popular. It seems that the time has come when neither employees nor companies can survive without risking.

Under such circumstances, Teikoku Databank announced on November 28, 2022 that there is a gap between companies that engage in risking and those that do not.“Special Project: Corporate Awareness Survey on Reskilling”I figured it out.

Interestingly, before risking, there is a difference in the degree of re-learning efforts depending on whether or not to promote a “digital revolution” within the company.

  • Risk King helps both employees and companies grow (picture is an image)

  • Risk King helps both employees and companies grow (picture is an image)

Some companies prioritize management’s “re-learning” before employees

Reskilling means to learn a skill again. That is, “re-learning the skills needed to get a new job or to adapt to the drastic changes in the skills required in the current job.”

Recently, DX (digital transformation, digital revolution) is progressing rapidly, new occupations are born, and the way work is done is changing dramatically. Reskilling is not just a matter of individual learning, but companies are required to take the lead in tackling it in order to survive.

For this reason, the government’s comprehensive economic measures approved by the Cabinet in October 2019 stated, “In order to raise structural wages and strengthen growth potential, the public and private sectors will work together to implement a support package for reskilling and investment in people. The policy was to invest 1 trillion yen.

Companies that are enthusiastic about the digital revolution are working on risk king (photo is an image)

Companies that are enthusiastic about the digital revolution are working on risk king (photo is an image)

According to a survey by Teikoku Databank, it was found that there is a correlation that companies working on DX are also working on reskilling. When companies were asked about their reskilling efforts, 48.1% of the total companies were implementing at least one reskilling initiative, while 41.5% were not making any particular efforts (Chart 1).

(Chart 1) Risk-taking initiatives (survey by Teikoku Databank)

(Chart 1) Risk-taking initiatives (survey by Teikoku Databank)

Looking at the status of DX initiatives, the ratio of reskilling initiatives among companies that are working on DX reached 81.8%. On the other hand, among companies not working on DX, only 32.2% were working on reskilling[Chart 2].

What kind of reskilling are you doing specifically?[Chart 3]is a graph comparing the content of reskilling from both companies that are working on DX and companies that are not yet working on DX.

(Chart 3) There is a difference in risking content depending on whether or not you are working on DX (survey by Teikoku Databank)

(Chart 3) There is a difference in risking content depending on whether or not you are working on DX (survey by Teikoku Databank)

“Learning new digital tools” and “Utilizing e-learning and online learning services” ranked high. What is interesting here is that in companies that are working on DX, there are many things that let employees learn new skills and directly connect them to their daily work, but in companies that are not working on DX, management is more likely to learn new skills than employees. There is a lot of content to learn[again, Chart 3].

First of all, before raising the level of all employees, it is necessary to start by relearning the management who lacks motivation to promote DX.

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