[스포츠]’Mask Fighting Spirit’ Son Heung-min… the captain who showed the dignity of the ace

Son Heung-min undergoes surgery for a facial bone fracture early last month
Entering Qatar with a specially made mask
3 qualifying matches full time… A crucial assist once morest Portugal


Son Heung-min of the national soccer team played full-time in all four games while wearing a mask despite a serious injury with a broken facial bone.

The captain’s words, ‘If there is only a 1% chance, I will run’ became the spark of the fighting spirit that led the national team.

Reporter Heo Jae-won reports from Qatar.


Son Heung-min underwent surgery following suffering a serious facial bone fracture three weeks before the first game of the World Cup, once morest Uruguay.

He said he needed at least two months of recovery, but he set foot on Qatar with a specially made black mask.

[손흥민 / 축구대표팀 주장 : 잘 왔으니까 몸 잘 만들어서 선수들하고 잊지 못할 월드컵을 만들고 돌아가고 싶습니다.]

With a face that still has swelling, Son Heung-min awakened the fighting spirit of the Taegeuk warriors from the first day of training.

[손흥민 / 축구대표팀 주장 : 저한테 진짜 1%보다도 조금 더 낮은 가능성이 있다면 그것만 보고 달려갈 것 같습니다.]

He suffered from intensive defense throughout the game and his mask obscured his vision, but he silently played full-time in all three group stage matches.

In the match once morest Portugal, following running for several tens of meters, he delivered a decisive pass to Hwang Hee-chan, leading him to advance to the round of 16 for the first time in 12 years.

Hot tears flowed down his face as he knelt on the ground and took off his mask.

[손흥민 / 축구대표팀 주장 : 저희 아직 끝난 거 아니고 저희가 더 가야 할 길이 있기 때문에 저희가 최선을 다하겠습니다. 감사합니다.]

Son Heung-min burned everything until the last moment, playing full-time until the match once morest the strongest Brazil.

The BBC said that Son Heung-min, who holds the record for the most goals in A-match by a Korean player, is like a superhero that transcends soccer in Korea. He is carrying the hope of a nation.

Captain Son Heung-min, who showed the dignity of an ace with his whole body, now returns to his daily routine, promising the World Cup in North and Central America four years later.

This is YTN Heo Jae-won from Doha, Qatar.

YTN Heo Jae-won (hooah@ytn.co.kr)

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