Must-eat Nutrients After 40! Doctors disclose the best iron supplement foods, vitamin B12 foods to prevent anemia and dementia|calcium supplement foods|vitamin D foods|fatigue|Health 2.0

Most people suffer from anemia, easy fatigue, forgetfulness, poor appetite, dizziness, etc., especially the nutrients in the body are lost with age. Bigger problem.

40After age 4essential nutrient

Gerontology physician Fu Yuxiang provided 4 kinds of nutrients that must be eaten following the age of 40:


Calcium deficiency is common among Chinese people. The average person can only eat 30-50% of the recommended daily intake. Calcium deficiency will not only lead to bone loss and osteoporosis, but also soft teeth, leading to premature tooth loss. A series of minor ailments in life, such as: insomnia, palpitations, numb hands and feet, rough and itchy skin, are also related to calcium deficiency.
Suggested food:Milk, goat milk, cheese, eggs, dried fish, shrimp.

see more:This “calcium supplement” contains 20 times more calcium than milk!Medicine: It also helps blood vessels and brain health

②Vitamin D

If you don’t like sunbathing, you may be deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D can help maintain skin health, anti-inflammation, and promote bone and dental health. More exposure to the sun can help vitamin D absorption.
Suggested food:For salmon, saury, and tilapia, the key point is to bask in the sun.

③ iron

A very important nutrient for girls, which affects hematopoietic function; if you are often anemic, it is likely to be iron deficient, and it will also cause fatigue, sleepiness, pale face, anemia, dizziness, and decreased body resistance.
Suggested food:Red meat, brown rice, eggs, red beans, shrimp.

see more:Does anemia have no symptoms?She is only 40 years old and her heart is 65 years old. Heart failure is more deadly than cancer

④Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that will be lost with urine and needs to be replenished constantly. B12 can help protect nerves and blood vessels, prevent dementia, and improve energy and immunity.
Suggested food:Clams, pork liver, oysters, egg yolks.

see more:Numb hands and feet when old may be due to vitamin B12 deficiency! The nutritionist named 2 foods to supplement vitamin B12 smartly

Must-eat Nutrients After 40!The doctor discloses the best iron supplement food and vitamin B12 food to prevent anemia and dementia

Prototype food is better absorbed than health food

Fu Yuxiang reminded that prototype food is better absorbed than health food and supplements, and it is recommended that the intake of 4 nutrients from natural food is the best.

◎ This article is from /Fu Yuxiang, Physician of Gerontology
◎ Image source/Dr. Fu Yuxiang.Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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