Some of them are scientifically correct..Learn with us about Stephen Hawking’s strange theories that still baffle scientists – Watan

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Country- It was Stephen HawkingBritish physicist, of the most famous The leading astrophysicists of the modern era. He was known for his appearances in the media and for his many spectacles.

In this context, the Hawking’s theories, which surprised everyone at the time of their introduction and still confuse scientists until this time.

the great explosion

While preparing his doctoral dissertation in the field of astrophysics, controversy raged over two opposing theories to explain the origin of the universe: the Big Bang and the steady state.

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Both theories agreed on the expansion and expansion of the universe, however Hawking showed in his dissertation The steady state theory is mathematically self-contradictory.

He pointed out that the universe began with an infinitesimal point, of infinite density, which he called the “singularity state”, and today Hawking’s theory is accepted among scientists.

Stephen Hawking

Black holes are real

Hawking’s name is associated with black holes, another type of matter in a “singularity” state created when a star undergoes a complete gravitational collapse.

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And black holes revolved around a great controversy among scientists, even regarding Hawking His attention to it in the early seventies.

According to an article, his genius was mixing equations Einstein with equations Quantum mechanicsto transform what was previously a theoretical assumption into a real and existing cosmic phenomenon.

And the last proof of Hawking’s validity came in 2019 when he captured the “Event Horizon Telescope” (Event Horizon Telescope) A direct image of a giant black hole that lies at the heart of the giant galaxy “Messier 87”.

Hawking radiation

Black holes are so named because the gravity at their center is so strong that even photons or particles of light cannot escape from them.

Applying quantum theory, he realized that some of these photons appear to radiate from the black hole. This is now known as Stephen Hawking radiation. The validity of this theory, which he called “Hawking radiation”, was tested by an experiment in an institute of technology.

Instead of an actual black hole, the researchers used a sonic black hole that sound waves can’t escape. They detected the equivalent of Hawking radiation, matching the physicist’s prediction.

Hawking was the first to discover and delve into the theory behind ancient black holes. He sees that its mass may be any light or heavy substance. One possibility Hawking put forward is that it may be the vapors of eternal black holes that make up the mysterious dark matter that astronomers believe permeates the universe.

But current observational evidence suggests otherwise.


The multiverse theory was the last thing Hawking touched upon before his death, which says that our universe, which began with the Big Bang, is just one. Bubble universes adjacent and coexisting with each other.

In his last paper in 2018, Hawking wrote regarding the multiverse theory, Saying that they are finite and not infinite universes. However, there is no possible way to test the validity of the assumptions of this theory.



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