The #1 Thing You Shouldn’t Do With Your Skin After 50 |

As you turn 50, you may begin to notice fine lines and wrinkles, darker dark circles, and dry patches. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to keep your skin looking youthful.

To achieve fresh, healthy-looking skin, it might be time to consider altering your beauty routine, either by adding certain products or by ditching some of your habits.

Your skin needs more attention as you age.

As we age, skin tends to dry out more quickly and become more vulnerable to bacteria and unwanted buildup – and simple cleansing won’t be enough.

According to Mark Tager, some of the skincare you’ll need to pay more attention to include retaining moisture, creating faster skin turnover, and protecting skin from UV and other environmental factors. harmful. ” The use of topical products containing bioactive ingredients that penetrate the dermis and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin is essential“, he explains.

In terms of hydration, look for products ” with a blend of emollients, occlusives and humectants“, advises Corey L. Hartman. He explains that emollients add moisture to the skin barrier, while occlusives add moisture in addition to creating a physical barrier that prevents transepidermal water loss, which locks in moisture. Humectants help by drawing water from the air or deeper into the skin. Corey L. Hartman also points out that drinking plenty of water is an essential way to hydrate your skin.

This is the number one thing not to do with your skin following 50.

Exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells and extra buildup, but over-exfoliating can end up having serious repercussions on any skin type, regardless of your age.

Dendy Engelman explains that the skin takes longer to heal with age and is therefore more susceptible to damage from excessive exfoliation, especially since the skin is more prone to episodes of dryness. ” Instead, gently treat your skin and slough off dead skin cell buildup with toners and gentle chemical exfoliants.“, she recommends.

If you feel your skin can handle gentle exfoliation, Corey L. Hartman suggests using a lighter product such as Himalayan Salt Shower Gel which contains gentle exfoliants that smooth skin without causing irritation. But if you’re over 50, avoid harsh products and excessive exfoliation techniques.

Don’t rely solely on your dermatologist or your treatments.

It is obvious that you need to visit your doctor or dermatologist regularly, but they cannot be solely responsible for the health of your skin. Relying on in-office treatments, procedures, or devices to maintain a youthful appearance and improve the health of your skin isn’t the help you think.

« While treatments such as lasers, peels, injections and more are great (and recommended!) additions to your skincare regimen, they are not a substitute for a good daily routine that includes cleansing, nutrition and skin protection“, says Dendy Engelman.

The professionals are there to guide you, but in the end, it’s you who needs to take care of your skin every day. If you have any questions, talk to your dermatologist regarding your specific skin care needs.

Continue to protect your skin from the sun.

Adjusting your skincare routine doesn’t mean you can stop worrying regarding sun damage. It is essential to choose moisturizers and makeup with an SPF. And don’t forget to protect the other parts of your body that are exposed, in addition to your face.

According to Dendy Engelman, applying sunscreen daily helps stop sun damage because it ” can help reverse signs of past sun damage, protecting skin from further damage and allowing it to heal itself, instead of constantly battling new sun stress“, he says.

If you have taken a little too much sun, continue exposure with aloe (alone or in a moisturizer). ” Aloe contains active compounds that can reduce pain and inflammation and stimulate skin growth and repair« . « It is also an effective moisturizing agent« .

Don’t neglect your body’s needs.

Your skin is an organ, and that means it’s affected by the overall health of your body. First, a good night’s sleep is essential. Sleep is essential to the beauty of the skin, because it is at this time that the ” night gardeners » get rid of dead skin cells, eliminate the products of metabolism that have accumulated and begin the process of regeneration of the skin, explains Mark Tager.

Knowing and understanding your hormone levels, food sensitivities and blood values ​​is also key information to have on hand when you are over 50. ” I’m shocked at how many people don’t know their vitamin D levels…a hormone essential for healthy skin, bones and the immune system“, adds Mark Tager. And, of course, a healthy diet is also essential.

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