[Financial Business World]The truth of nucleic acid testing is getting more and more amazing | Nuclear Huaxi | Zhang Shanshan | Nucleic Gene

[The Epoch Times, December 03, 2022]On November 25, a circular from the Lanzhou Municipal Health Commission stated that “nuclear Huaxi“and”Zhang Shanshan” has become the focus of attention. Many people have also suddenly discovered that in the past three years, although most industries in China have been hit hard, however, those engaged inNucleic acid amplification testingMany companies are earning “a lot of money”, and some of them have made huge profits, and they have repeatedly made frauds. So, why can “Zhang Shanshan” be the supervisor of more than 30 companies at the same time? How can a newly established company be qualified for nucleic acid testing? Why does a company that has been punished many times still make money? We’re going to talk regarding those today.

“Zhang Shanshan” uncovered “nucleon gene“The inside story of

On November 25, the Lanzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission issued a notice stating that on the 24th, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, in accordance with theNucleic acid amplification testingAs a result, when the positive infected persons were transferred, it was found that the health codes of some persons waiting for the transfer showed that the nucleic acid test was negative, and explained that this was because Lanzhounuclear HuaxiWhen the lab entered the information, it misreported the positives as negatives.

As soon as this announcement came out, the local people suddenly discovered that the nucleic acid test, which seemed to be serious on the surface, was so unprofessional. So, what kind of company is this “nuclear Huaxi” that can mess up the test results?

Lanzhou Nuclear Huaxi is a new company that was just established on August 8 this year. The date of establishment is very auspicious.Zhang ShanshanIt is also very difficult.A reporter from The Paper found through Tianyan investigation that Zhang Shanshan actually served as a supervisor in 35 companies at the same time, of which 3 companies have been cancelled, and 30 companies are all in Shenzhen.nucleon geneA wholly owned subsidiary of Technology Co., Ltd.

So, what is the origin of this “nuclear gene” company?

According to the official website of Nucleus Gene, the company was established in 2012. It is a high-tech enterprise integrating gene technology research and development and market application. At present, it has set up 64 subsidiaries and 50 branches in China. laboratory.

According to media reports, the actual controllers of Nuclear Gene are Zhang Hezi and Ba Ying, both of whom are master graduates of China Medical University. Zhang Hezi was admitted to China Medical University in 1990. After graduation, he was assigned to the Technical Department of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau to organize the earliest DNA center in China. Later, he left the Public Security Bureau to start his own business and established Shenzhen Hongshi Villa Decoration Company, entering the decoration industry. .

The Paper quoted insiders as saying that Zhang Hezi made his first pot of gold in the decoration industry, and mentioned that a newcomer is entering a brand-new industry for the first time, and it is a part of the business with higher profits. Without political and business resources, he will definitely not be able to do it.

Later, Zhang Hezi and Ba Ying also set foot in retail, fashion design, real estate and other fields. In 2012, as the genetic testing business began to heat up in China, the two established Nuclear Gene, which mainly provides consumer-level genetic testing services. Zhang Hezi also relied on his past resources in the Public Security Bureau to win the big market of judicial tripartite appraisal. The most expensive judicial testing projects are paternity testing and fetal paternity testing.

After the outbreak, Nuclear Gene Corporation turned to nucleic acid testing services. For example, Shenzhen Nuclear Huaxi, established in July 2015, became one of the first batch of third-party nucleic acid testing institutions approved by the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission in February 2020. In the six months from March to September 2020, the company’s nucleic acid testing business turnover reached 450 million yuan, and more than 100 cooperative agents earned more than one million yuan in profits.

Moreover, among the 62 foreign investment companies of Nuclear Gene, most of them are related to genetic technology and medical testing. The Paper reported that Tianyancha data shows that since 2022, Nucleo Gene has successively opened 14 medical testing laboratories, and in October, it opened 8 in one go.

Nuclear Gene claims that “the cumulative number of people tested in China has exceeded 700 million, and there are zero errors in sample testing”, and that it has launched an IPO listing plan, and the company is “committed to becoming the largest genetic testing sales platform in China”. It seems that Nuclear Gene is very high-spirited, but, as mentioned in the report of China Business News, in fact, Nuclear Gene is “running wildly with illness following being punished many times”.

As early as April 14, 2020, Jinan Huaxi Medical Inspection Co., Ltd. was warned and fined by the Jinan Municipal Health Commission for improper disposal of infectious medical waste. In January 2021, Jinan Huaxi once once more lied regarding the sample test results when more than 310,000 samples had not been tested. As a result, it was notified by Xingtai City, Hebei Province and a comprehensive investigation was launched.

However, according to Southern Weekend, Jinan Huaxi, who had two accidents, was able to win the bid for the nucleic acid testing project of Shandong University four times in August and October last year, and January and July this year.

Since then, nuclear companies affiliated with Huaxi have been punished many times by the medical authorities in Shenyang, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Changsha, Guangzhou, Guizhou and other places.

The venture capital information service provider “Pencil Road” reported that according to the official announcement, Nucleon Gene had 12 violations in less than three years, including false reporting of test results and wrong test results. Affect it to continue to make money. Assuming that Nucleo Gene does all mixed tests, if the current lowest price is 5 yuan per person, Nucleo Gene has earned at least 3.5 billion yuan for nucleic acid testing of 700 million people. Therefore, compared with the huge benefits, what is a fine and a report?

Does the chain of interests not stop at the epidemic?

In fact, there are many companies like Nuclear Gene.

The investment research platform “Gelonghui” reported that if you search for the keyword “medical testing” on “Tianyancha”, you will find a fact that there are 10,476 related companies established within one year, and 8,900 companies established within one to two years. There are 5,300 homes in 2-3 years.

In other words, under the advancement of the epidemic in the past three years, some people quickly discovered that nucleic acid testing in China is a big business that can make money, so they rushed to join this “golden” industry.

The scale of China’s nucleic acid testing market has reached 12.1 billion yuan in 2020, and it is still increasing at a rate of regarding 18% in the past two years. During this period, both the downstream testing service providers and the upstream testing equipment and reagent manufacturers ushered in an explosion of performance, and their profits showed a dozens-fold increase. In just two or three years, they earned the past Money that cannot be earned in 10 or 20 years.

According to the investment evaluation and content platform “Smart Investor”, in the first half of this year, the revenue of 104 listed companies related to nucleic acid testing in China was regarding 250 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 37%; the net profit was as high as 64.8 billion yuan, A sharp increase of 76.6% year-on-year.

In addition, there are five companies that will be listed on the A-share market this year. According to the prospectus, the net profit exceeds 100 million yuan.

Obviously, in China, the nucleic acid testing industry has become a “profiteering industry”. It may be due to the attention of public opinion. On January 21, the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges stated that they are “highly concerned regarding the sustainable operation capabilities of enterprises” and “strictly review the listing applications of nucleic acid testing companies.” Subsequently, the Shanghai Stock Exchange canceled the listing application of “Yisheng Biology” on the 23rd.

It’s okay to make money. In the final analysis, these companies are just taking advantage of the CCP’s “clearing” policy. However, these nucleic acid testing companies have repeatedly made frauds, which is intolerable.

China NetEase reported on November 23 that from June to July this year, many provinces launched large-scale inspections of nucleic acid testing agencies, and found that as many as 250 third-party nucleic acid testing agencies frequently falsified. Among them, there are many listed companies or subsidiaries of companies planning to go public, such as Lanwei Medicine, Huada Gene, Dean Diagnostics, and Cap Biotech, etc., are all involved.

Moreover, just like Nuclear Gene, some companies have been investigated many times, but they can still continue to operate. For example: “Hefei Hehe” was notified in April, and “Shenyang Hehe” was ordered to rectify in July, but in September, “Shijiazhuang Hehe” still dared to conceal the positive results. These companies are all subsidiaries of Hehe Diagnostics.

On November 29, the CCP’s mouthpiece, the People’s Daily, also published a commentary, criticizing the phenomenon of fraudulent nucleic acid testing, and saying that the chaos of nucleic acid testing “has reached the time when the chaos cannot be stopped without severe codes.”

The article also mentioned by name that Jinan Huaxi, Shanghai Zhongke Runda, Beijing Pushi, Beijing Jinzhun and other nucleic acid testing institutions were fake. For example: Shanghai Zhongke Runda, on May 5, 13 nucleic acid “positive” were detected in one day, but in the re-examination, all 13 “positive” nucleic acids were negative once more.

However, perhaps because the content was too sensitive or due to the high-level partisanship of the CCP, this comment titled “Nucleic acid chaos continues, the epidemic will never be peaceful”, was quickly deleted by various mainland websites.

Some people even speculate that some nucleic acid testing companies are intentionally falsifying in order to keep the epidemic going so that they can continue to make money.

Some mainland netizens have discovered a phenomenon, where the nuclear gene company is established, there will be an epidemic, and then all employees will nucleic acid. For example: Taiyuan Nuclear Huaxi was established in October, and Shanxi fell in November; Hefei Nuclear Huaxi was registered in September, and in October, the epidemic broke out in Hefei.

Also, the Zhang Shanshan we mentioned at the beginning is also popular on the Internet recently. According to reports from the Lu media, the whole people are looking for Zhang Shanshan. Who is this Zhang Shanshan? Some people say that it is the daughter of Zhang Hezi and Ba Ying, but it has not been confirmed. However, because of the Lanzhou Nuclear Huaxi Laboratory, Zhang Shanshan and Zhang Hezi might be regarded as being picked up by the Internet.

I don’t know if I don’t pick it up, the whole network was detonated in an instant, and it turned out that there was a giant hidden in the nucleic acid test. However, as some commentators said, in fact, it doesn’t matter who Zhang Shanshan is; she is not the first, nor will she be the last, because the root cause of these phenomena is the nucleic acid test created by the CCP authorities benefit chain.

China’s future will not be good if the CCP system does not fail

Over the years, due to the CCP’s insistence on eradicating the epidemic, it has not only emptied the national treasury, wiped out the medical insurance and income of ordinary people, but also spawned an epidemic industry chain of nucleic acid testing and vaccination. However, the CCP’s dignitaries and businessmen took advantage of this opportunity , Colluded with each other, through the whole people to make nucleic acid and vaccines, make a lot of money for the country, and make the people miserable.

As you can see, the large-scale protests and student unrest that broke out in various parts of China last weekend reflected that the people have reached the limit of the CCP’s extreme epidemic prevention and frequent nucleic acid testing. “Slogan, eventually rose to a political demand for “the Communist Party to step down.” As the “New York Times” report said: “China’s ubiquitous anti-epidemic restrictions have created a focus of anger that transcends class and geography.”

Craig Singleton (Craig Singleton), deputy director of the China Project of the “Foundation for Defense of Democracy” in the United States, mentioned that the already weak sense of trust between the CCP and the Chinese people is beginning to disintegrate.

More importantly, this wave of protests shows that whether in China or overseas, more Chinese young people have awakened. They realize that the CCP government is using the “zero clearing” policy as an excuse to create an unprecedented autocratic system, and they must fight for their rights.

Currently, Beijing and Guangzhou are relaxing epidemic prevention and control measures, and the Chinese Communist Party’s official media also declared that the management of the lockdown should be quickly closed and lifted. However, the Chinese people must also clearly realize that as long as the CCP system does not fall, all kinds of blockades and controls will be staged once more at any time with any excuse.

Institute of Finance, Commerce and Economics
Planning: Yu Wenming
Written by: Li Songyun
Editors: Wei Ran, Yu Wenming
Edit: Quge
Producer: Li Songyun
Pay attention to “Financial Business World”:https://bit.ly/GJEconUND

Editor in charge: Lian Shuhua



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