“She worked hard and loved life”

Shortly before 5 a.m., a car collided with a truck. The car was deported to the right lane, where it came to a stop. A third vehicle, which was traveling on this lane, then crashed into the accident car. The driver of the latter died on the spot.

The last vehicle caught fire but its two occupants were able to get out in time. Slightly injured, they were taken to hospital.

The accident caused delays, the two lanes on the right having been closed to traffic. Around 8:30 a.m., the journey time increased by another quarter of an hour, said the Flemish traffic center (Vlaams Verkeerscentrum).

“Lise loved life”

Lise Van Hecke, the 22-year-old victim, was on her way to help a friend in distress during the accident. The one who was passionate regarding hockey had been working for several months in a restaurant in Ghent.

“Lise loved the hotel industry and she worked hard,” testified her father, in shock, to our colleagues from HLN. “She loved life. His sudden death leaves a great void. »



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