If you suffer from vitamin D deficiency.. the most prominent ways to raise its levels in the body

Vitamin D is an essential part of the body, as it improves bone health and enhances immunity. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with weak bones, fatigue and depression, and there are many ways that contribute significantly to raising levels, according to the “indiatoday” website.

Exposure to sunlight helps the body absorb vitamin D, which is very essential, and it also helps with bone health in addition to other functions in the body. Experts emphasized that it is important to have regarding 1,000 units per day of vitamin D.

Vitamin D uses calcium and phosphorous in the body to build bones and support other activities such as boosting immunity. A study titled, Assessment of Vitamin D Status in the General Population, assessed the vitamin D status of the general population, and 270 people from various occupations were selected for the study. It was found that regarding 82.2 percent of the population suffers from vitamin D deficiency. In addition to this, vitamin D deficiency was found to be higher among women.

Vitamin D is important for women in maintaining healthy bones because it can later lead to many physical problems such as osteoporosis and even depression.

Vitamin D deficiency has become one of the causes of many problems, it can cause frequent infections, loss of bone density, osteoporosis, the immune system, fatigue and insomnia, and people may not understand the cause of fatigue and depression, but it may be due to low levels of vitamin D. vitamin (of the) .

What is the importance of vitamin D?

Vitamin D makes muscles strong to protect the lungs, heart and kidneys, maintains healthy bones, and also makes you feel good, and many cases of depression have been linked to a lack of vitamin D, as it ensures calcium is absorbed from the intestines and transported to the bones where it is deposited to strengthen bones , and strengthen the teeth, and reduce the incidence of osteoporosis, heart disease, and blood vessels, and reduce the incidence of diabetes, as it protects you from infection with the respiratory system.

What are the ways that contribute to the high level of vitamin D?

Experts have suggested that the best approach is early morning exposure to the sun, and one should wear light colored clothing and thin material to allow the skin to absorb enough Vitamin D from the sun.

Also, you should eat food sources of vitamin D: salmon, tuna, dairy products, mushrooms, fortified products, cod liver oil, egg yolks, shrimp, and some grains that can help increase your intake.

And you should have regular check-ups, at least once a year, to know the level of vitamin D in the body.



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