Customized nutrients for eye disease

Minor eye diseases can be improved if you consistently consume customized nutrients according to the symptoms. [사진=클립아트코리아]

In dry and cold weather in winter dry eye syndrome etc. eye diseasethis increases Eyes are more susceptible to various diseases as we age, so it is important to take care of them. Minor eye disease is symptomatic custom nutrientsIt may improve if you take it.


When your eyes are stuffy and itchy

When I wake up in the morning when the weather gets chilly sore and itchy eyesaway or often congestion become foreign body sensationIf you feel dry eye syndromecan be suspected of

dry eye syndrome hydrationIt is important to do enough In addition anthocyaninsclass potassiumEating these rich foods can help. Anthocyanin is a nutrient that relieves eye sensitivity and reduces eye fatigue and stiff feeling. Foods rich in anthocyanins blueberries, grapes, eggplant etc. potassium is bananaWow Apples, Potatoes, Beans, Fish There are many etc.


When your eyes tremble

Anyone can easily experience the symptoms of trembling around the eyes. mild eye twitchingregardless of will twitching of the eye musclesIt often occurs because the area that stimulates the nerve muscle becomes sensitive.

These symptoms are usually Dehydration of the eyes and surrounding muscles, fatigue and overwork, stress and nutrient imbalanceappears by Eye tremors without special treatment resttake enough magnesiumIf you eat a lot of this food, it will almost disappear. Foods high in magnesium, which is important for normal nerve function, shellfishWow Tomatoes, Anchovies, Milk etc.


To prevent conjunctivitis

Due to cold and dry weather and weakened immunity conjunctivitis such as Epidemic eye diseasethis increases To prevent this, it is good to take vitamin A. Keeps the retina, conjunctiva, and cornea healthy lack of vitamin Aif night blindness, blurred visionOf course, it can occur in winter dry eye, conjunctivitis various eye diseasecan be a cause of

vitamin AIs green and yellow vegetablescan be consumed through A type of pigment component in green and yellow vegetables caroteneIt contains carotene, which turns into vitamin A, which is beneficial for eye health. Carrots, Apples, Spinach, Parsley The same fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin A.



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