Friday 2 December 2022, 8:58 a.m.
‘Covid’ erupts once more! Loud warning: Long COVID is not shoddy
December 2, 2022 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thira Woratanarat, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Post a message via private Facebook. Regarding the situation of infection with COVID-19 during this period, the contents are as follows…
2 December 2022
Yesterday, around the world, there were 333,293 more people, 786 more deaths, a total of 648,304,681 people, 6,641,600 total deaths.
The top 5 most infected are Japan, France, South Korea, the United States and Taiwan.
As of yesterday, in the number of new infections, countries from Europe and Asia occupied eight of the top 10 and 17 of the top 20 globally.
The number of new infections per day around the world right now from Asia and Europe Together, it accounted for 91.47 percent of the world, while the number of deaths accounted for 73.4 percent.
…updating the situation of Long COVID in the UK
As of late last night, the UK’s Office of National Statistics released their Prevalence of ongoing symptoms following coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in the UK: 1 December 2022 report.
As of 6 November 2022, the UK is currently experiencing 2.2 million long-term COVID-19 cases, comprising 3.4% of the population.
187,000 people (9%) who were infected less than 3 months ago
1.9 million people (87%) who have been infected for at least 3 months
1.2 million people (55%) who have been infected for at least 1 year
and 594,000 people (27%) who have been infected for at least 2 years.
Of the 2.2 million people affected by Long COVID, more than a third, or 764,000 (35%), were infected during the Omicron strain.
1.6 million people (75%) reported that Long COVID is affecting their daily lives.
And up to 370,000 people find it greatly limiting their ability to perform daily tasks.
The most common symptoms are exhaustion/fatigue which is reported as high as 70%
Followed by lack of concentration, breathlessness and muscle pain. Each symptom is found in regarding half of all Long COVID patients.
Long COVID problems can be found in all sexes and ages. From children to the elderly It is most common in the age range of 35-69 years and more females than males.
…The situation of our country In the past two years, a large number of people have been infected. Both numbers in the system and outside the system
Academic data around the world clearly confirms that Long COVID is real…
It’s not shoddy, it’s not in a blink of an eye, and it disappears like we saw fake news spread through various social media.
Please live consciously, not carelessly, and try to protect yourself from infection. or not to be re-infected
each infection It’s not just waiting to see if it’s seriously ill or not. Will you die? But what should be realized is a long-term abnormality that affects our body in many systems. which will diminish the quality of life Life performance, whether working, studying or others, including the impact on relationships with family members. Burden of direct and indirect expenses
At this point, he warned loudly that there was a large epidemic.
Be cautious of eating and drinking closely with others outside the home. Whether while working, studying or traveling
Avoid crowded places poor ventilation
Should go for a booster vaccination to reduce the chance of severe illness, death and Long COVID
most importantly Wearing a mask correctly and consistently It will greatly reduce the risk.
Set yourself up well. Don’t be fooled by news regarding subspecies. too much to blur Deltacron or whatever. There is no better benefit than having timely information regarding the actual outbreak situation.
No matter what species “Our defensive behavior is our best weapon.”
Now the crisis has erupted once more. not a small wave You need to protect yourself well.