Arturo Briva elected new dean of the Faculty of Medicine

The election was made effective in the second extraordinary session of the Assembly of the Cloister cited for this purpose since in the first one, on November 24, none of the people proposed for the deanship obtained the necessary majority of votes. The session was chaired by the Vice Chancellor Álvaro Mombrú; Briva’s candidacy obtained 20 votes.
Briva is an intensive care physician, full professor of the Chair of Intensive Medicine, doctorate in Medical Sciences (PhD), Academic Director of the Master’s and Doctorate Program in Medical Sciences (Proinbio) and master’s degree in Health Business Administration.
He entered the Faculty as a student in 1989 and obtained his Doctor of Medicine degree in 1997. That same year, his interest in Intensive Care Medicine and Translational Research led him to become a class assistant in the Department of Physiopathology, where he taught. until 2014. During this period, he completed the Residency in Intensive Medicine at Hospital Maciel and in 2002 obtained the title of intensive care physician.
In addition, he began studies through Proinbio, seeking to strengthen his teaching profile and translational research, with a project that included the collaboration of clinical and basic researchers from the Hospital de Clínicas, the Clemente Estable Institute, the Pasteur Institute of Montevideo and the Research Fellow in Northwestern University (Chicago, United States). He also trained as a Doctor of Medical Sciences (PhD).
In 2006 he joined the Department of Intensive Medicine as an assistant, where he is currently a tenured professor, and since 2009 he has been a member of the Proinbio faculty, working on consolidating the strategy of its Master’s and Doctorate training program.
Briva, 51 years old, has been a member of the Faculty Senate, of the ADUR Board of Directors, university representative before CSIC and CONICYT and member of the Honorary Scientific Advisory Group (GACH) in the area of ​​Intensive Medicine, among other functions. .



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