Nurse’s abortion.. Details of the assault on the Quesna hospital nursing staff

02:37 PM

Friday, December 02, 2022

Books – Ahmed Gomaa:

Dr. Kawthar Mahmoud, Head of the Nursing Syndicate and a member of the Senate, revealed the details of the attack that took place on nursing staff at Quesna Central Hospital.

The Nursing Syndicate said in a statement, Friday, that the events of the incident began when a person, accompanied by his brother and a number of women, arrived at the Quesna Central Hospital emergency room, as a result of one of the women suffering from minor bleeding, at the same time that all gynecologists were busy with other surgeries, and when the nursing informed the doctor. With the details of the case, she was asked to perform an ultrasound and some analyzes until the completion of the surgeries.

And she added: “If the person accompanying the case refused that and demanded the need to debate the case and started insulting the hospital staff, at the same time that he accompanied the nurse to the case and deposited her in an emergency bed to conduct the ultrasound and the required analyzes until she was discussed.”

According to the nursing testimony in the hospital, the women accompanying the case began to threaten the hospital’s nursing staff and threatened to beat them, following which two men entered the women’s ward and beat all the nurses present in the department.

She pointed out that 5 nurses were injured and another nurse had an abortion, in addition to the injury of 3 female workers as a result of that incident.

“Mahmoud” said that she will not give up the rights of her nursing members, who perform their role to the fullest without default, stressing the need to address cases of assault on nursing staff in hospitals, as intimidating nursing staff will not be in the interest of developing the health system.



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