Neighbors of Domino’s Pizza place an order and a delivery man shows the extremes of delivery

  • The delivery It has established itself especially in the food market, with revenues of 4.87 billion dollars for this 2022, according to Statista.

  • Cases of delivery They have become a very important benchmark that advises us of the value of consumption in the market.

  • As Domino’s Pizzavarious food sales brands have opened the field in marketing through delivery.

The excesses to which the delivery were shown by a delivery man of Domino’s Pizzawhen he showed how the neighbors of a local next to the chain restaurant made an unusual order.

The delivery It has become a business complement today, especially online sales models, due to the ease it gives consumers to get products or services, without having to go to a physical point of sale.

As Domino’s Pizza We have seen decisive examples in the way in which brands are getting involved and not only that, in the way in which brand decisions have been made before which it is worth understanding consumption.

Inside of the study what InMobi conducted, the firm found that it motivated consumers to order products for delivery.

Among consumers ages 18 to 34, 38 percent said they preferred the service over free shipping; 45 percent said they don’t have to go to the stores; 41 percent said they prefer this type of event to avoid crowds; 32 percent said that to save time, 32% and 39 percent acknowledged that thanks to this service they were able to shop 24/7.

Find products that are not sold nearby, the ease of comparing prices, a wider selection of products and that everything is in one place, were also options chosen by consumers.

A Domino’s Pizza delivery man

With one million 300 thousand reproductions in TikTok@ed7uno published a video where they show what the extreme delivery experience is like, when diners of a Domino’s Pizza They placed an order, being local residents, so they are only a few meters away.

@ed7uno #fyp #viral #always #pizza #cancun #comedy #seawalks #world effect #farawaydeliveries #comedy ♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey

The delivery man who stars in the video had to take less than 40 steps from the moment he leaves the pizza branch and arrives at the place where they regularly place their order.

“Those from the place across the street are not stupid at all,” he explained in his video, where he also clarifies that he does not receive a tip for the delivery, while followers explained to him that they possibly place the order by taking the delivery to the extreme, because they are not allowed to go out.

Just as there are delivery men showing stories from the end of the delivery that they live as employees of this service, there are cases that contrast with such narratives, as occurred in Monterrey, when a delivery man identified as “Albin” of the platform Didi Foodtook the wallet of a diner at a Chinese food restaurant when he was distracted, as reported by Telediario Matutino.

The experiences presented in this note account for the role played by the delivery nowadays.

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