Artemis I begins his journey back to Earth

The spacecraft successfully completed the output burn of the retrograde orbitturning on his motor principal during 1 minute and 45 seconds to put the spacecraft on course for a close lunar flyby before its Homecoming.

As it was, the engine ignition changed Orion’s speed by about 138 meters per second and was performed using the Orion main engine in the European Service Module. This is a modified Orbital Maneuvering System engine design for use on Orion and built by Aerojet Rocketdyne. The engine has the ability to provide 6,000 pounds of thrust.

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For the safe return, from the organization, they commented that two maneuvers must be carried out before Orion ditching in the Pacific Ocean on December 11. The second will occur on Monday, December 5, when the spacecraft will fly 127 kilometers above the lunar surface and perform the powered return flyby ignition, which will place Orion on his way to Tierra.

The teams also continued thermal testing of the star trackers during their eighth and final planned test. The star trackers They are a navigation tool that measures the positions of the stars to help the spacecraft determine its orientation. In the mission’s first three days of flight, engineers evaluated initial data to understand the star tracker readings correlated with thruster firing.

Artemis I is the first integrated flight test of the rocket of the System of NASA Space Launch (SLS), a ship Orion Space unmanned and ground systems in the Kennedy Space Center from the agency. The mission will pave the way for a crewed test flight and future human lunar exploration as part of the Artemis program.

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