DRC: Jackson Ausse requests the delay of the closing of the September session for “serious circumstances” which threaten the independence, sovereignty and integrity of the country

Deputy Jackson Ausse seized, this Friday, December 2, 2022, Christophe Mboso, President of the National Assembly to obtain the delay of the closing of the session scheduled for December 15.

To do this, the elected representative of Irumu evokes the critical security, diplomatic and humanitarian situation which does not allow elected officials any rest.

“Our country is in danger. The independence, sovereignty and even the administrative order of our country have been upset for some time. Two of our provinces are under a state of siege a year and a half ago, something which is not ordinary, that is why we speak of an exceptional situation. There are certain villages, groups and chiefdoms and even territory are occupied by local and even foreign negative forces which benefit from the support of neighboring countries, in particular the Rwanda You are not unaware that we have invited other armed forces in our country including the Ugandan army, regional organizations also invite others, the Kenyan forces are there and the others, more than 8 million people are If you see the picture as I have presented it, you will understand with me that this state of affairs cannot allow, especially not an institution such as Parliament, to go on vacation(…) C that’s why I sent this open letter to the office so that, purely and simply, the closing of the current session which should take place on September 15, 2022 is simply delayed. It’s legal and constitutional,” suggests Jackson Ausse.

He adds, relying on article 144, paragraph 3 of the constitution which authorizes the delay of the closing of the session in the event of existential threats weighing on the Republic.

He also points out that this request is a form of solidarity for those deputies who have nowhere to go, their constituencies being troubled by the horrors of war.

He also believes that this initiative is a response to the Head of State’s call for general mobilization. For him, this general mobilization also implies the mobilization of the Institutions.

“The delay of the closing of the current session is also a form of response to the appeal of the Head of State who invites general mobilization. This general mobilization also implies that of the Institutions. No institution of the DRC cannot be withdrawn while the country is threatened. I think that the Parliament will have to remain in full mode to monitor up to the minute everything that is happening in the country”, he believes.

He also said that the response to this request will allow the national representation to follow closely the recommendation adopted by the National Assembly prohibiting in particular any mixing of the rebels of the M23 within the forces of order of the DRC.

He persists and signs, the current situation of the country does not allow any more the Parliament to leave to the Government the load of the Parliament by a new law of enabling as it was the case.



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